Past VS. Future (2)

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Emma's POV:

I held a wooden sword in my hand; just swinging it mindlessly. Charming came up to me and hugged me, Lifting 4 year old me. 

''Dad!'' I laugh and try to get out of his arms, but he laughs. 


We both turn around and I saw Mom by the house door, ''Dinner is ready.''

''We'll be right there.'' Dad said as he placed me down. ''you are getting better at swinging that sword everywhere at once'' David smiled.

I beam at him and run towards the Castel, ''Come on slow poke!'' I yell behind me as David runs after me. 

I get to the Table first and sit down while David walks after me. 

''Seems like you two had fun'' Mom says.

''We did Snow.'' David kisses Snow's head. 

I'm the Daughter or Snow and Charming, the Princess, the next Heir. 

I look at the table. It was a long table, and was filled with food. More food then Royals and maids can eat, so we save some food, and also give it to some of our people that are in need of food.

(Time skip a few hours) 

I sit on my bed, with a black teddy bear in between my knees and wait for David come to my room and give me a life lesson or read me a book. 

David walks in and Sits on my bed and looks at me. 

''Emma. Do you know how Royal's are to be treated?'' 

I tilt my head as something in my mind tells me that this is going to be a different kind of lesson then normal. I pause and think. ''Do you mean like me and you?" 

David shifts and moves closer to me. ''Yes. Like us.'' He boops my nose and I smile. 

''Well...'' I pause. ''I think, its just like the maids that help us. Like when I wake up, Diana comes in and helps me with what I wanna wear and gets me ready for the day.'' 

I watch as David thinks about my answer. ''Yes its like that. It's also Respect. Even if you see others treating someone bad, you step in and help that person.''

''Why would someone treat a Royal bad?'' I tilt my head as I try and think of a reason.

''There are bad people in this world that wanna break others physically and emotionally. If you see something like that, Step in and help them, Ok?''

I nod, ''Ok dad.''

David smiles and picks up a book. ''And now its story time''

I laugh and move closer to him as he reads the book. 

(Time skip and Regina's Castle)

Regina's POV:

It all happened so quickly, but so slowly at once. 

I found him, the one that made me happy, that showed me I was worth something. 

Father wanted me to learn how to ride a horse and Mother first denied it, but then she got a servant to teach me around the age of 11.

Daniel. When we first met, something clicked and we quickly became friends at the end of my first lesson and I always wanted to be around him. When I first turned 15, I thought I felt something more for him, and I did. He made me forget everything, it was just him and I. 

Daniel and I, we starting Dating when I was 16. Of course it was behind my Mother's back, but Dad knew, and he was happy I found someone. 

But a year and half later, it goes downhill. 

I was waiting in the stables, seeing when Daniel was going to come, and I didnt hear him, he ran to me and kissed me, and Mother appeared out of no where. When I felt his lips against me, the second I kissed him back, we both were thrown backwards by a force. 

We both looked at  the woman in front of us and I felt my heart drop. She found us, she found out about him, She-she saw me kiss him. Before I could get my thoughts straight, Mother stood before Daniel and shoved her hand in his chest. My eyes widen. ''WHAT YOU DO THINK YOUR DOING?!'' I screamed as I tried to push her away from my love, but the next second she held His...Heart? I gasp. How-how is that-Magic... I backed away From my Mother in fear and watched Daniel Closely. What is she going to do?

Cora squeezed the muscle and I watched Daniel fall on his knees and raised a hand to his chest.

''MOTHER!'' I screamed and stood in front of her, ''WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING?!'' 

Cora smiled. How can she just smile and look so....calm? '' My dear Regina. What I'm doing is helping you get your happy ending.'' I stared at her, just stared at her. She must be crazy, how is killing my love a happy ending? 

I hear Daniel gasp and a slightly scream from his lips and turn around to see him on the floor. no no no no no no! I fell on the floor next to him and brought his life-less body towards me. He's he cant-Daniel? I look at his face as tears fill my eyes quickly. ''Daniel, please dont go'' I kiss his forehead and repeat over and over in my head that he isnt gone, its all just a nightmare, but the ache in my chest proves its real. I cant scream, I cant even make a sound, I'm so shocked, I cant do anything. 

Next thing I know, Mother pulls on my arm and forcefully picks me up. I gasp as I turn towards her. ''Oh stop it with those fake tears. Wipe those tears away, pick yourself up, dont lean back, straighten your back Regina.'' Her voice is harsh, but i cant feel anything, I feel Numb. I cant even feel my tears fall down. ''Enough Regina! Stop it with those tears!'' I hear the danger in her voice and quickly mask my face to numbness. Theres no emotion shown on my face, its like I'm a robot. My hear is broken, I'll never get it fixed, what did I do. 

I dont even remember walking back to the castle, but soon enough, I find myself in my room, laying on my bad and staring at the wall. ''Daniel...'' I whisper. I let the tears fall, knowing I'm alone. ''I'm so sorry Daniel, you didnt deserve this, I'm so sorry...'' A sob breaks through my throat and I shove my face in a blanket to try and muffle it. 

I thought it couldnt get worse....But it dose, and I wonder if there will ever be a point where it stops....

Heres the next part, hope its ok, I'll try and get another ch. up soon.

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