Jazlynn pov

Mar: Anytime Jaz 
Mr.G: Everybody have a nice day and make sure you do your homework
Destiny: Ready Jaz
J: I'm ready 
Mar: Let's go den
J: Bett
Mr.G: I'll see you at detention Jazlynn
*Jaz flicks him off* 
Mr.G: Ouu feisty aren't you 
Mar: I'm getting real tired of yo perv ass
Mr.G: Go on somewhere 
Mar: Yea igh

We go to the main office and I ask if I can talk to the principal and the lady at the front desk said only one student can be in her office at a time so of course I went in to go see her

(Mrs.Collins: Mrs.C)
J: Hello Mrs.? 
Principal: Collins 
J: Well hey there Mrs. Collins my name is Jazlynn Stewart and I just came down here because I need to tell you something extremely important 
Mrs.C: Hello Jazlynn it was nice to meet you why don't you close the door and have a seat
J: It would be my pleasure to 
 *Closes the door and sits down* 
Mrs.C: Now Ms.Stewart what do you need to tell me that's extremely important 
J: I'm guessing you know who Mr. Granger is 
Mrs.C: Of course I do he's an old friend  we've been friends for at least two decades 
J: That's a long time but anyways he's not that good of a friend or teacher 
Mrs.C: Why's that
J: Because he touches his female students in an aggressive way, one of my friends told me it's happened to some girls he knows and today he asked me to step in the hall and I did and he made me feel very weird he grabbed my wrist and squeezed it very hard, now it's red and it's swelling up. 
*Shows Mrs.C her wrist* 
Mrs.C: Oh wow just wow 
J: He also said that he's the detention teacher today and I really don't wanna go to that because he makes me feel uncomfortable now
Mrs.C: It's okay you don't have to go 
J: Thank you so much Mrs. C
Mrs.C: Anytime I'll take care of this right away go ahead and go to the nurse and get yourself an ice pack to stop the swelling 
J: Ok I will 

I walk to the nurses office get an ice pack and meet up with Mar 

J: Where's Destiny??
Mar: She left for volleyball practice so how'd it go
J: It went great she said she's going to take care of it right away she even said Ion have to go to detention today 
Mar: That's some lucky shit right there but I'm happy somebody finally said something
J: How come you didn't say anything 
Mar: I know Mrs.Collins wouldn't believe me she don't even like me 
J: Why not 
Mar: Cause I used to do prank her ass all the time when I was younger now she don't like me 
J: Wow Mar
Mar: Aye mane it was fun anyways we should celebrate 
J: Bettttt

Toxic love with the boy next doorOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant