🔪😻 Nene x Cassandra 💅📖

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LET Go- songfic and sorry OOC moment
Trigger warning : School Sh00ting gore fireguns , breaking up , cassy being toxic
Well you almost had me fooled
Cassandra was walking to class with a smirk
She planed to almost to fool Nene she was happy  about it
Told me that i was nothing without you
' Nene you are nothing without me ' said Cassandra holding hands with Nene ' you too ' said Nene hugging Cassandra
And after everything you've done
Nene could have word out od her that Cassandra done something like this she was shooting up the school she was running Nene was running out of class
Wants to end her life
I can thank you how i have become
Nene was wishing to thank Cassandra how she became strong after the school shooting that happend
Cause you brought the flames and you put me through hell
While the school shooting is happing Nene was on knees Nene was beging Pico to end her life Pico ingnord her
I had to learn to fight for myself
Nene was learing to fight she was throwing knifes and ninja shape star at a plush doll
And we both know all the truth i could tell
Nene was walking down school hall way to tell her a truth after skipping the locker she saw a red head girl with horns with dark red baggy pants with yellow shaped sticks Nene could not belive how it was it was Cassandra after all long years .
I'll just say this is i wish you farewell
' Miss me ' said Cassandra with a raspe laugh crossing her hands walking up to her Nene was shocked ' im tought you where dead ' Nene said with a shocked face ' Im can im survied of you'r friend of yours ' Cassandra said with smirk trying to kiss her Nene pushed her off ' What was that for ' Said Cassandra with angry tone ' im wish you farewell ' said Nene walking away from Cassandra
I hope you'r somewhere praying

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