🌆 Alacurd x Hanzou 😡

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* Harlod what did im just said *
Request by L0V3LY_Kykio 

TW  : Swearing  yeah that Pico School for you


* 3 Person Pov *

Alacurd and Hanzou where eating blueberry's and drinking bubble tea ' That a nice date idea ' said Hanzou pointing at Alacurd ' Thanks Harlod ' said Alacurd while drinking his bubble tea How the f*ck he did not choke ' Yeah And Why You Still Call Me By My Real Name ' said Hanzou they start to laught about there pet names . 
✂Cassandra ✂
Im was walking to those love turds house cuz why not an till im saw that Hanzou was there what Aculard think do they have so fxcking netfilex's and chill im grab my camera and breaks his door .
Then im walked to his room and im opend his bedroom door and im walked to his room im cilked it .
☢ Alacurd
Im heard a cilked and turn around to see Cassandra ' Got you'r butts in 4k ' she said and put the camera to her bag im swear to god im going to kill her one day me and Hanzou where running around my house for the whole night .
☣ Cyclops
Im was walking to School im heard Cassandra with a camera showing to Spike and Pierre ' Hey Cyril ' im heard Pierre waving his arm around while smoking bruh wtf is wrong with this school im walked up to them until im saw Hanzou and Alacurd eating blueberry's and drinking bubble tea im jealous ' Are they Gay ' im said to Cassandra showing us the pic with a film so we where laughting
( after class )
Im walked up to Hanzou and Alacurd ' are you guys gay ' im said and turning around and running to the lunchroom
➡➡➡➡ the end ➡➡➡➡➡➡➡➡➡

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