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'A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.'


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chapter two


Trust is fragile. It is like the thin layer of ice on which you tread carefully, taking each step with precaution. But after some time, you no longer focus, you give in to the bliss of being there. And that is when it breaks. And you fall. And that fall really does fucking hurt a lot.

Alicia figured Dumbledore had had this fall many times in his life. He didn't wish to undergo it again, especially because of a stranger. She was letting him have his dear time building his trust over her. She couldn't rush it. Without gaining Dumbledore's trust, she will be nowhere near completing her assignment. (or mission if you'd like to call it)

Still, she was anxious if her first task had been a success or not. Did Dumbledore actually not believe her? That would ruin everything. Her trip to the past would turn out practically useless. Then how would she know what was exactly going at the moment to intervene and prevent unnecessary outcomes?

The thought of her failing the very first day kept her nerves high even when she arrived at Dumbledore's office the next evening, knocking on the oak door which opened on its own accord allowing her to step in.

Inside the office, Dumbledore was sitting calmly and observing some papers under the moonlight peaking through the window. On hearing the door open he removed the papers from his desk and greeted warmly, "There you are Miss. Jones and here I was wondering if you had lost track of time."

Dumbledore clearly seemed to be in a good mood which was made clear by that warm welcome. There was no longer that inkling suspicion and doubt in his eyes.

Her nerves eased instantly and she took her professional posture on.

"I apologise for my retardness." Alicia said in her pure business-like voice. "The castle is enormous, almost maze-like."

"Indeed." Dumbledore nodded. "But nevermind that, it's time to go for the meeting at the headquarters."

It seemed like Dumbledore had settled everything down in less than twenty four hours. Brilliant.

"Sure, Mr. Dumbledore."

She followed after, getting a firm grip on his arm as they disapparated with a small crack.

The feeling of apparition was not at all novel to her. It was just that same old well known feeling of as if being sucked down an extremely narrow tube and then split seconds later being made aware of a whole new surrounding.

As soon as their feets touched the ground, Dumbledore began walking again, making Alicia follow suit.

Alicia opted to keep her thoughts to herself of the need to apparate far from the site instead of right in front of it.

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