As the World Caves In- Matt Maltese

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3rd person's POV

"N/n we have to go.." Tooru tells Y/n as he softly shakes her awake.

Y/n got up, half asleep, and gave Tooru a death glare.

"Fuck you," Y/n says and walks off to the bathroom to shower. "Why is she always so mean in the morning- She's just like Iwa-chan," Tooru said to himself and laughing.

Y/n sat on the floor of her bathtub, hugging her knees close to her chest and letting the water fall onto her whole body.

"TOORU!" Y/n called for her best friend as he ran to the bathroom.

"I had a dream, the man in it was handsome too," Y/n says while moving her hair out of her face. 

"What did he look like?" Tooru asked, sitting on the counter with his legs crossed over the sink bowl.

"He had spiky dark brown hair, he was a bit tanned, he looked buffed physically, and his eyes...they looked either olive-ish or hazel," Y/n said the last part looking at her best friend as his face began to light up with a bright smile.

"N/N THAT SOUNDS LIKE IWA-CHAN!" Tooru said hopping off the counter and dancing around Y/n big bathroom.

"DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT! Come on hurry up so you don't miss your flight!" Tooru says with a flashy smile, then waltz's out of the bathroom.

-1 hour later-

"BYE N/N! TEXT ME WHEN YOU GET OFF THE PLANE!" Tooru yells to Y/n while waving his hands like crazy. "Bye Tooru!" Y/n laughs and enters the plane with her luggage.

After walking into the First-Class area of the plane and putting her luggage away, Y/n went to go to the small seafood buffet bar.

[I have been in first class before, and it is AWESOME-] 

"Shittykawa why are you always bothering me?" A male asks with his phone to his ear while cracking peanuts.

"I didn't even come to Seattle for you. I came for Bailey's funeral." The male said looking down.

Hearing the name Bailey made her quickly turn her head to the male, see that he looked exactly like the man in her dream. Y/n's jaw was dropped.

"Excuse me but how do you-" 
"FINE- GOD-" The male put his phone on speaker and looked at Y/n with an awkward smile.

"HI N/N!" Y/n heard a very familiar voice from the phone and automatically knew it was Tooru.

"Hi Tooru," Y/n says rolling her eyes. "Hey, so you know Bailey Oikawa?" Y/n asks the male as he nods.

"Yeah, I'm Iwaizumi Hajime, I was her friend." The male "Iwaizumi" said scratching his neck.

"Oh well I'm L/n Y/n, I was the fiance," Y/n says, sarcastically laughing. 

"I'M SO GLAD YOU TWO KNOW EACH OTHER NOW!" Tooru yelled out as Y/n and Iwaizumi cringe because of his loud voice and squealing. 

"Hey, Shittykawa,"
"Yes, Iwa-chan?"
"Bye." Iwaizumi says hanging up on Tooru, and shutting his phone off as Y/n laughs.

"So I'm assuming you're the same as me, What do you do for work?" Iwaizumi asks while shoving his phone into his pocket.

"I'm a doctor, I specialize in Neuro and Cardio, how about you?" Y/n asks pearling the clear shell off a piece of shrimp.

"I'm an athletic trainer, I'm usually with the Japan Men's Volleyball Team." Iwaizumi says doing the same as Y/n and eats a piece of shrimp. 

"Hm, When's your birthday?"
"June 10th" 
"And your birthday is in pride month? Your pretty cool." Y/n says with the tiniest smile.

"Thanks?" Iwaizumi says with a laugh.

The whole flight Y/n and Iwaizumi were just getting to know each other, Y/n even seemed a bit happier.





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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2021 ⏰

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