Maracticious Maldrimindim

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at the top is patrick.


After befriending Shicklitiferis, Patrick admitted to having weird habits as well. He enjoys making silly faces, and he doesn't find classical music 'entertaining'. He would prefer to listen to something no one's heard before. 

He calls it 'experimental rock'. "Why call it experimental rock?" Shicklitiferis questioned. "W-What do you mean?" replied Patrick confused by the question. 

"I mean, Why rock? It could've been anything else and you called it rock?" Shicklitiferis inquired. 

"Oh... I-I Just think rocks are c-cool." Patrick answered avoiding eye contact with Feris who had his hands intertwined behind his head. 

"Oh.. Well now that I think about it, rocks are pretty cool..." Shicklitiferis said slightly trailing off. Patrick looked toward the albino kid next to him with a curious face. 

School was just about over and the two boys were walking to their final classes planning their meet up after school. "Let's go to my house!" Shicklitiferis exclaimed excitedly. 

Patrick nodded slightly. "L-Let's meet up in front of the s-school and then make our way o-over there." Patrick replied with his own hint of excitedness in his voice although stuttering.

They split up to get to their class and sat boredly, watching the clock. Time tick tocked it's way by and soon enough the dismissal bell rang. Shicklitiferis quickly packed up his things and ran out the class.

"The bell doesn't dismiss-" The teacher yelled after him, giving up halfway sighing knowing that wouldn't stop him. He sped down the hall soon to find himself blocked by other kids. 

"I'm sorry, could you please move? I have somewhere to be." Shicklitiferis said looking toward the kids blocking his exit. 

"Oh yeah? Where do you think you're going?" One of them asked, the other's snickering. "Home. Where else?" Feris responded calmly, trying to push his way past the other kids. 

They didn't budge though and he was shoved backwards. The kids in his way started calling him names but he wasn't really listening.

When he heard that they had stopped talking, he then asked, "Can I go now?" They scoffed, but let him pass. Good job Shicklitiferis. 

He found his friend, Patrick outside the school and they walked together to Feris's house.



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