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Name: Lucy Brown
Age: 17
Information: she lives with her aunt because her dad Can't take Care of her and mom died 5 years
Ago her dad is a alcoholic he have Been since she was 8 and she has a very hard time with it (you are gonna learn more about her)

Name: Jack Brown
Information: alcoholic he loves his daughter but alcohol help his Pain He have tried getting help but None things help He also have ptsd that dosent help either

Name:Ava Evans
Age: 40
Information: is the little sister of isabell Evans who is the mother of lucy she have had lucy live with her for 1 year she hates Lucys father she always have also when her sister began dating him

Name: Tom Simons
Age: 17
Information: a Young twitch streamer that streams minecraft he live his life normal he goes to College he plays most with his bestfriend tubbo

Name: Toby Smith
Information: a Young twitch streamer but lucy have lived with his family because they were there foster parents so she is his sister but she dosent live there anymore

I just want to say hope you enjoy the story And sry for grammar mistakes my first language is not english and if any person dont Think i Whittier about the alcohol real i know how it is because i lived with it the rest dont know about but give me feedback on if it is good or not

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