• chapter two •

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"Seriously" you uttered. This was like the second time this happened to you in ONE day. At this point, you were just annoyed.

"I assumed you were a dick, but now it's confirmed." As soon as those words came out of your mouth he replied.

"Listen here princess, just because you waltzed in here and Shigaraki took a liking to you, doesn't mean your better than everyone else." 

What?! That's what he was pinning you for, because he thought you were better than everyone else? Wow. Since you were bored you took this opportunity to play a game.

"Really?" you said, an idea springing in your head. 

"Really." he said softer, but still bitter. 

"How do you know? That I'm not better than everyone else?" Now, you weren't a narcissist or a selfish person but you wanted to have fun.

"Because I'm never wrong."

"Is that why you have me pinned?," You got closer to him and wrapped your arms around his neck, "because your always right?" you finished, now being only an inch away from his lips.

Dabi blushed slightly but kept you pinned and gave you a seductive smirk.

"Yes." He deadpanned, slowly moving his hands upward from your waist...to your arms...to your face...to your lips. You stomach turned as you tried your hardest to stop the slight pink tint on your cheeks to be noticeable. 

But you were failing.

When Dabi noticed you were blushing, his eyes widen and he gave you another smirk. 

"What's the matter princess? Cat got your tongue?" He remarked, rubbing your lips gently.

Princess? God that was hot. And when he rubbed your lips that was even better. Please don't stop... 

He pulled away, leaving you wanting more. He chuckled and put his hands in his pocket.

"I'll see you around newbie." he said, perceived to your blushing. Then, he walked away.

You watched him as the butterflies in your stomach continued flutter. what was this weird feeling? And why the hell did he touch you like that? Out of all people why didn't you use your quirk on him? Ugh! This was just so infuriating. But maybe at the very, VERY back of your mind in a small, tight, dark corner...you wanted him to do something more.


Despicable CrushOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora