• chapter six •

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The next morning was both Heaven and Hell. The Hell part was when you woke up. You felt an intense tingle on both your legs. In other words, they were numb. You realized this without opening your eyes yet. 

Since you were feeling like utter crap you rolled over to Dabi's side, only to be disappointed by the burnt man. He wasn't there. 

What the hell. you thought, getting frustrated. 

You sat up and rubbed your eyes. You started moving your legs from the bed and bent them slowly. The tingling sensation grew heavier which made you slightly shiver. You threw on your usual attire and quickly fixed your hair, an attempt to calm the frizziness, and walked out the door. 

You arrived to the bar section of the hideout and wasn't surprised, but embarrassed at the smirks and glares from your colleagues. Of course, you wouldn't dare show any emotion on your face, you couldn't give people that power. So instead of acknowledging the stares, you sat down in silence. But why wasn't Dabi there?

Shigaraki was going through some plans for the league's next attack so you had no choice but to keep quiet. However, he had gone through these plans so many times you could allow yourself to trail off for a bit, just a bit. You couldn't stop thinking about last night, how vulnerable you were to Dabi's touch. He controlled you with just a stroke of his finger, it was so...annoying. For years, you spent your time trying to harden your emotions so no one could ever get through to you, ever again. Then here comes the mighty burnt man who changes everything with one stroke.  

Damnit!...what the hell are you doing to me? you thought, slightly scared and confused. 

Thats when you got interrupted by a sudden silence of Shiggy's voice. 

Dabi was here.

"Where have you been?!" Shigaraki yelled angrily, "We've been going through plans and you missed it all!" 

"Places. Doesn't concern you where." Dabi said sternly back. Then he looked at you for only a few seconds, but it felt like forever. 

Shigaraki was finished talking about the plans so you decided you would turn back to your room and get properly cleaned up. 

You had just gotten into your room when someone knocked on your door. You opened it, and thinking it was Dabi, you said or attempted to say "what do you wan-" before you got cutoff by the visitors true identity. 

It was...Shigaraki?

"Oh hi, what do you need?" 

"Listen Y/N I don't know what you and Dabi are up to but I don't like it," he scoffed stepping in further into the room with every word, "you don't need him." Then he shut the door and pulled you in, then he...

kissed you.  

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