Elelctric Shock

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She walked briskly, yet quietly into the other room. She reached slowly for Abdul's ears and whispered, "yaa Habibi, food is ready, how would you like to be served?"

Ha! Abdul's eyes swung open like a wrecking ball, only to get lost, into her sight. He's used to this, he's used to being lured by her presence.

Abdul rose from the bed smiling, his fingers entangled with hers, while they walked to the dining room, their hearts filled with nothing short of love.

She knew him so well: a quiet morning, Al Ghamidi, and a mug of espresso. Who's this humanitarian?

The norm is, Abdul does these for her on weekends. But today is Monday, he must leave early. As if she heard him, she whispered again, "you deserve more nuru qalbi." Kai! Abdul's heart beats increased to millions.

Abdul reached for his mugful of espresso, took a sip and with a big smile on his face, he nods out some silent thank you.

As the coffee races through Abdul's veins, he bends his head down and purr multiple Alhamdulillah.

Abdul rose his head up, but before any word could escape his teeth, he felt on his toes, a very violent grr! Grrr! Grrrr! Which made him tumble. "Was that an electric shock?" Abdul screamed.

Na! That was Abdul's father flogging him to wake up for Fajr.

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