Chapter 4

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minamoto Teru POV

" can I take back a contract?" I sighed and tried to drag her but she wouldn't budge so I just use my bracelet and tied her, she knew if she struggled anymore the punishment would be way worse then just doing basic house chores. Since kou was a doll he can't do anything and if I even tried to make food I would end up burning the house down.

Before I headed to my house I had to go pick up my little sister tiara, tiara can also see apparitions so once she saw y/n she asked " Onii-Chan who is she" she said with Curiosity in her blue eyes, I spoke "oh don't worry about her she'll be helping us at home!" I said with a big smile on my face, then tiara spoke " Onii-Chan were is kou?" " kou is hanging out with his friends again so don't worry tiara" I said.

I look back at y/n her head was down I wasn't able to see her face until she looked up at me which caused me to look away, I heard her sign. We all went back home I asked y/n if she can cook and she said " don't tell me your going to make me cook now" she said irritated " you know this is not part of our contract", she was right but I spoke " listen I can't cook so if you know how to cook then great, unless you want me to make you wash the dirty laundry".

Y/n looked at me with disgust and defeat and spoke " never mind I'll just cook and clean, besides it's not that hard.....I still can't believe someone like you can't cook" the she walked away, I was going to say something but I just went to my room to change.


' ugh great now I have to cook for him...what I'm I his house wife now?!' I just went to the kitchen and started to look around for some ingredients which in my surprise there was a lot, kou-kun probably did all the cooking in the house, "heh I feel bad for kou-kun knowing he probably did all the cooking and cleaning in this house" I said softly to myself.

I was making them some sticky rice poke bowl with sesame salmon, ' I hope they like it cause I'm not making anymore food'.

After cleaning the table and some other things around the living room I put the food on the table, I hear soft foot steps coming to my right, when I turn around I see tiara minamoto Hiding behind a while, I smile at her and spoke " you can go sit down now if you want! Also what would like to drink?" I said with a nice tone.

I would make food l for my little brothers back when I was alive, they always would make a mess and I should clean as well so none of what Teru was making me do was any new to me.

Tiara went to the table and spoke with a big smile on her face " I would like some apple juice please oneechan!" Her calling me oneechan made my heart melt, I gave her a warm smile and went into the kitchen and got her some apple juice.

I went to the table again and gave her the apple juice, I spoke " tiara where is your brother? He would be down by now." Tiara spoke " oh onii-Chan is upstairs probably in the bathroom!" She said with another big smile on her small cute face, I nodded and went up stairs.

' I have no ideas where I'm going....' I think to myself. I saw a little light from one of the doors, guessing that's where Teru was I knocked on the door and spoke " hey slow poke dinner is ready and if you don't come out I'm eating the food myself" I said in a annoyed tone, then Teru opens the door he had a clean white shirt and some dark blue sorts and he looked down at me, it looked like he had just taken a shower.

I look up at him then and said  " once I mention food you come out huh?" I said, " yeah when you put food on the line yes" he said, I gave him a sigh of annoyance and we headed back to the living room. Tiara had not yet touched her food so I thought she wasn't hungry but I shrugged it off.

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