Mandy Brockelhurst

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After the goodbye, a Hermione shared with her friends, she ran off to class.

The class room took place in the way up to a tower. Hermione stopped halfway of the stairs, as a door showed.

She opened the heavy wood door, with a creak. There was already some students, sitting by the tables chattering.

Hermione have have always liked this class room, especially because this one has an extremely good view of Hogwarts nature, seen through the big windows. The sun shinned in, and Hermione took a deep breath. She felt as though she got an energy boost and walked to a Ravenclaw fellow of hers.

"Hi Mandy," she greeted with a smile.

"Oh, hello Hermione," she returned, smiling.

Mandy Brocklehurst and Hermione Granger has been good friends since they were paired in second year, in potions.

Hermione liked the girl very much, she was one of the few people who didn't care about Hermione's blood or house, she just cared about her. Also the fact that Mandy was a girl you'd never will get tired of speaking with. Hermione felt happy to have her.

About ten minutes after their teacher had instructed what they should do, Hermione could feel some eyes watching her.

She turned to her left eyeing Mandy with a questioning expression, miming 'what?'.

Mandy opened her mouth, but shut it up again, as the teacher stood in front of them looking at them with a stern look.

"Not interrupting anything, am I?"

"Um... no, I was just asking Hermione about something." Mandy hurriedly said. Hermione smiled innocent.

They got a stern glare, a shake with the head and the teacher was going back to her desk.

"Phew. So, what were you saying?"

Hermione usually don't talk in class unless she got permission by teacher, but knowing Mandy was the same way, she got curios.

"Huh? Oh, that. I'll tell you after class," Mandy answered, eyeing the teacher.

Hermione turned back to listening about who and what and when.

"Okay, I see... eh, a rabbit?" Draco frowned, looking closely at the crystal ball in front of him and Blaise.

They had about this on their third year, but professor Trewalny had an so called 'vision', that they should expand their knowledge of, well, those 'visions'.

"Rabbit, eh? I'll just see what that means."

"Probably a rabbit gonna come tonight and hump you, while you sleep," Draco said still looking at the crystal ball, however, with a serious frown.

"You're bloody disgusting."

"I'm just saying... anything we learn in here is probably just bullshit."

"Well, it's certainly better than Ancient Runes," Blaise said, searching up the word with 'ra'.

Raspberries. Ra... Ra... Ra...


As he told Draco what it meant, the blond got more and more confused.

"That doesn't make sense at all."

Blaise merely shrugged to the blond; did anything make sense in this class?

He surely did hope the next subject was more interesting.

"Oi, Draco," he said catching Draco's attention, knowing that Draco will know, considering he and Hermione talked only about it in the morning. "what's next class?"

"Potions," before Blaise asked with who, Draco answered. "Gryffindor."

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