2 | a new thrill

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"What's takin' him so long?" Osamu groaned, looking at Rintaro and Kita.

"I think we can leave them be," Kita said.

"Yeah, same," Aran agreed.

"Ugh, this idiot. Let's go home," Osamu said.

"We're leaving ya-" he yelled but was stopped by another yell from his brother.

"I can't join you, just go home!" Atsumu raised his voice.

"Whatever," Osamu replied back from across the street.

'"Stop yelling," Aran spoke. This was already an everyday thing.

"Are you sure this is okay?" F/N asked, tugging Atsumu's jacket. "You don't have to do it if you need to go with them," she added.

"Nah, nah, it's fine!" Atsumu reassured her, looking at how small and elegant her hands were. He smiled at the sight of her tugging his clothes.

"Let's go. So, where to?" he asked. "Ah, I mean, show me the way."

"It's a 10 minute walk from here," she answered.


"Thank y-"

"Ah, no, ya gotta stop thanking me, Konno-san. It's really nothing, I swear!" he said as they began to walk alongside each other.

"I just know how to thank you enough, I'm sorry," she said and averted her gaze somewhere else.

"Now yer bein' sorry, loosen up, come on," Atsumu chuckled. It brought a lighter atmosphere.

"And nu-uh, you can't say sorry for that again either," he added.

"Well, I'm glad you can put up with my awkwardness then," she said and finally looked at him. She smiled for a bit, then averted her gaze once more.

"Oh, if you're with 'Samu on a daily basis, you can withstand anythin' and anyone," he said.

"Samu? Is that your twin brother?" she took a guess.

"Mhmm, he's the one with the gray hair."

"Your hair parting also sets you two apart. I can see that."

"Yeah, I don't want anyone confusing me for that idiot."

"How did you decide who'll do the left parting and who'll do right?" she wondered, staring at his blonde hair.

Her prolonged staring makes Atsumu quite conscious with his face, wishing he styled himself better today.

"Well, Mom used to style our hair on the right when we were kids. Then when we styled it ourselves, 'Samu confused his left and right," he explained.

"Then you decided to go along with it?" she let out a soft airy chuckle.

A subtle tint of red  on Atsumu's cheeks went unnoticed. "Yeah, s-sorta."

Atsumu heard the noise of a motorcycle and he noticed headlights behind them. Instinctively, he held her shoulders to pull her closer to the sidewalk.

F/N, clueless about the motorcycle, looked up at Atsumu, as her head softly bumped against his shoulder.

"Hey, watch where yer drivin!" he clicked his tongue and furrowed his brows. Then he looked down at her, who was also looking back at him.

His caramel eyes meet hers and his angered expression turned softer. "Are you okay?" His tone was calmer, more calming than ever.

"Let's switch places, is that okay?" he added, still not letting go of her.

"S-Sure," she stuttered, her soft whisper music to his ears.

F/N walked closer to the side walk, switching places with Atsumu.

"Well, you saved me again," she said and smiled. Her eyes were glued to the pavement, a little hesitant to look at him again.

"It's nothin'. Again," he replied, smiling at her.

The two spent the rest of the walk in silence, both too flustered to speak. They passed through the hospital, then a cafe, before reaching a two-storey house.

"You live here?" Atsumu's question broke the silence.

"Yeah, this is my house," she said, nodding. "Why?"

"Nothing," he answered. "This place is huge."

"I guess so. I just live with my sister though."


"Yeah," she mumbled, looking at him as he admired how big her house was.

As soon as he was done looking up at it, he glanced right back at her, who then averted her gaze somewhere else.

"W-Well, I'll go inside now," she said, still looking down.

"Mhmm, 'kay. See ya around, Konno-san."

"Thanks again. See you."


"What took ya so long?" was the first thing Osamu asked as soon as Atsumu got home.

"Atsumu. Where have you been?"

"It was nothing, Mom," he avoided the question.

"I told ya, Mom, he was out with a girl," Osamu said.

"You snitch!" the blonde clicked his tongue.

"Were you?" his father asked. "You have a girlfriend now?"

"No, I don't," he groaned. "This is all on you, Samu."


The quiet neighborhood was peaceful and dark, given that everyone was already asleep. However, on the rooftop of the Konno residence lit a fiery sight.

The crackles of the fire, along with the occasional noises by the crickets, was the only thing F/N could hear from where she stood.

She stared at the fire as the last stack of letters burned, love letters addressed to her to be specific. The fire was also dying out, with every second getting colder.

She watched the fire go out. Now only the stars and the full moon illuminated the rooftop.

Not long after, she walked down the stairs and towards her room, where she then searches for the blonde's social media profiles.

"Miya Atsumu," she searches his Facebook profile. Immediately, the one with the most mutual friends showed up.

"Atsumu-kun," she said, unawaringly smiling.

"So this is you. Hello, you," she added.

She scrolled through his pictures. Atsumu didn't seem to be the type of guy who liked posting but he wasn't exactly that secretive of his life in social media either.

She felt her heart beat faster just as it did when he "saved" her.

"What is this?" she grinned, gripping on her chest. 

"A new thrill, Atsumu? Is this what the love letters say? Love?" she kept talking to her screen, staring at his photos.

Her breaths grew heavy, remembering his touch and voice. So this was where it began-- a murderous obsession.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2023 ⏰

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