Sleepover pt:5

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By now the blunt was smoked out baji took the roach and sat it on the table "what do we do now" hakkai asked looking around the room everyone hummed. Mikey was staring at the ceiling "we should go for a walk" baji said standing up "how about we don't" hakkai said blocking baji "let's go to that fancy neighborhood that's behind this one" Mikey said sitting up "yeah" mitsuya said smiling "fine but please be quiet" hakkai said "we will" smiley said giggling slightly  we all walked out the door and walked down the street we heard a pop like noise and instantly turned around baji laughed "shut up" hakkai said a little distressed "mhm" baji said swaying from side to side. We walked around to the back road and walked to the neighborhood the first few minutes of the walk were relatively silent smiley started making bird noises "be quiet" hakkai said distressed everyone giggled we continued walking baji ran to a random house and rung the doorbell he took off running and so did everyone else we jumped behind some bushes and watched as a middle aged man come out the house looking around he went back inside and slammed the door we all started laughing and ran down the street peh yan ran up to another house and rung the doorbell and ran off the door flew open and a person in a blue robe picked up there phone we all ran off and after a few minutes we heard police sirens panic filled all of us my mom was not gonna be happy about this.

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