The sixteenth chapter

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(That last chapter made it jump more! I forgot the number of chapters is weird when it jumps ahhh! It's alright though I can handle it -w-'... Also, there is the picture I promised you guys! A picture that correlates with the chapter! It was originally planned for Alex to freak out and cut his cheek but I thought it felt too uncanny for this character so I made it different!)


Y/N pov.

Garcello was sweating heavily and has been on the couch just resting from the pain he had for a few minutes ago. I don't really know if this is a common thing since I have only known him for two days...

Two days? Feels like it's been a lot longer...

I had already put away the tray with pancakes into the fridge to hold longer. Even though it was hard for me to walk I was still able to do it.

Putting my hand on his back I rub the spot to see if he would calm down. He has been crying a bit from the pain but not a lot.

I walk into the bathroom slowly to look after something. Rummaging through the boxes with healthcare things I try to find something that might help.

Finally, I find the electric thermometer! I stand up but hiss from the pain I get for doing it too quickly. Even though it hurt a slight bit it feels like Gar has more pain so I walk back to the couch ready to check his temperature.


Ash pov.

The feeling I had laying here on the ground was terror. Did Garcello just help me to make sure they targeted me? Did he know about this?

Should I try to find him to tell him about it?...

I don't even know where he is! This is so fucking frustrating!

Becoming slightly irritated I try to scratch furiously on the back of my head. Keyword, try! The hands are wrapped in a way that makes it impossible to do so.

I feel so frustrated over this going on that I can't tell what I am doing before feeling my hands burning!

I had been scraping with my wrapped up fingers on the palm of my other hand. The bandage had fallen off in the process and some blood had leaked and colored the parts of the bandage that was still there.

I wince from the pain but only shake it off and decide to try and stand again...


Y/N pov.

I have been waiting for a while for the thermometer to make the sound that it had finished loading the temperature. 

Holding Gar's hand I can feel it clenching around mine super hard... Maybe a bit too hard!

Then I hear the sound of the thermometer being done followed straight after with a crack...

The fucking thermometer had been snapped in half and the end part was laying on the floor!

"Garcello!" I say loudly being worried about his teeth! 

I take his shin with my hand and move his head to face me. He turns his head and spits out the other part but continues to grit his teeth.

I move his head around once he faces me to check for anything broken but I can't find anything. 

"I... I'm s... Sorry for... That..." Garcello says slowly but painfully.

"Don't be sorry, please! Do you at least know how the temperature was?" I ask him tilting my head a bit and looking down to his hands that were still clenching.

Promises ( Garcello x Reader ) [Being reworked to ao3]Where stories live. Discover now