Part 1

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It is a crusty dwarf named Flint

And he stoppeth Raist the mage.

“By thy long beard and my smooth skin,

I think I’m young of age!

“The mage school doors are opened wide

And the Master waits for me;

I told him that I’d be right back.

I only had to pee.”

“You doorknob of a skinny mage!”

The dwarf did shout out loud.

“I have made my greatest work;

I really am quite proud.”

The ’prentice mage sat on a stone;

He would much rather hear

This foolish old dwarf rant and rave

Than go back to his peers.

“I made a stunning bracelet,”

The crusty dwarf began.

“But then a kender spied my work,

and grabbed it, turned, and ran!”

“How horrid,” spake the student young

While stifling a yawn.

The old gray dwarf held up a hand

And presently went on:

“When I caught up to this doorknob—”

I stopped as if in wonder.

“Why look’st thou so?”—“With my crossbow

I shot the thieving kender!”

“Why did you?” puzzled Raistlin.

“How could you? Don’t you know

Kender don’t care, they are unaware

Of other’s possessions?”—“So?

“Tanis said ’twas a hellish thing,

A hellish thing, you know,

Tanis said ’twas wrong to shoot

A kender with a bow;

A dwarf should never ever shoot

A kender with a bow.

“But I returned, ‘You foolish elf!

That was my greatest work!

The kender should be killed for good

That stole my dwarven work.

’Twas right, you fool, to kill the ones

That steal a dwarven work.’

“Tanis shook his head at me

And turned as if to leave.

He went across the great ravine

And I—I did not grieve!

“But then, down dropped the bridges

And I on the other side!

Many an oath burst from my throat

That would make a maiden cry.

“Day after day, day after day,

I remained on the other side.

I thought to cry for help—but no!

For I have dwarven pride.

“There passed a weary time. My throat

Was parched, and glazed my eyes.

A weary time! A weary time!

How glazed my weary eyes;

Then looking upward, I beheld

A something in the skies . . .

[Story continues on 3/9/2015 with Part 2 of The Rhyme of the Ancient Dwarf!]

The Rhyme of the Ancient Dwarf (A Dragonlance Story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora