Part 2

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“At first it seemed a little speck,

Contrasting with the blue,

And then, at once, I recognized

A dragon! Yes, ’tis true!

“I cursed my luck: ‘Oh horrid luck!’

And still it neared and neared.

I tried to run but couldn’t move:

I was quite Dragonfeared!

“I had the sense to run at speed

Into a shielding cave.

Endeavoring to stop my shaking knees

I begged myself: Be brave!

“The upper air burst into flames

And a hundred fires gleamed.

To and fro they hurried about!

And to and fro and in and out

The dragon danced between.

“The western plain was all aflame

From Dragon’s deadly breath.

Upon that flaming western plain

I nearly met my death.

Being so close to Dragon’s flame

I almost met my death.

“And then the dragon swooped and dove

And rose up with a sweep;

It was not I he had come to fry:

This dragon hunted sheep!”

“I doubt thee, ancient dwarven man.”

At this, the dwarf felt rage.

“Don’t call me ancient, skinny boy!

Have you no respect for age?”

The young man smiled to himself

At Flint’s apparent ire,

Ignored the noise of learning boys,

Settled closer to the fire.

“Alone! Alone!” the dwarf went on,

“Alone across the ravine!

And not a soul in the world remained—

At least, that’s how it seemed.

“And then—Alas!—my heart beat loud.

How fast it nears and nears:

A high, shrill voice of kender-sound:

One of my greatest fears!”

“His eyes were bright, his hair was stuck

In a ridiculous topknot,

And there he stood—and I recognized

The kender I had shot!

“His eyes did twinkle merrily.

My luck was bad, I wist.

My blood ran cold: I spied no gold,

No bracelet on his wrist!”

And here the dwarf did beat his breast

And now he gave a sigh;

“I’d shot him with my crossbow,

And yet he did not die!

“I looked to Paladine to pray,

But ’fore e’re a prayer had come,

I saw that cursed kender

Swinging something on his thumb . . .”

[Story continues on 3/16/2015 with Part 3, the final installment of The Rhyme of the Ancient Dwarf!]

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