Replies 7

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SnowBright Asked:

Loki! I know you're (on hold and) doing stuff, but if you weren't the God of Mischief (I totally regret saying that but I'm curious) what other God would you be....oh, and why since you answer me with SHORT ANSWERS? P.S. : U read Harry Potter? 0.0


Perhaps I would be the God of Betrayal... For no matter how hard I try I never cease to hurt the people I love.... Even if it kills me inside.

((aww poor moody loki ): maybe i should buy you some Pamprin - tony))

Fuzz22 Asked;

What would happen if I came into your cell while you were sleeping, sat down right in the middle of the cell, and started to sing 'God Bless The U.S.A.' as loud as I could possibly sing? >:)


I presume you would soon find a large staff stabbed through your weak chest :)

((Sheesh a bit much Loki, Ands yes i taught him how to make emotes))

MonkeyChronicles Asked;

I'll tack on a question, just for the heck of it. How does it feel to be under my control, bitch-o-mine? Yes, I have eyes everywhere. No, I am not and never will suffer from chronic bitch dependency. You might suffer from chronic pimp dependency, know...Loki's Pimp's gotta make greens. I have no idea what I'm saying.


I am no female dog! And other than that small statement I can not understand any of this..

((I can dawg, I be pimping left and right))

Snoopyluver Answer:

Oh boy Loki your kinda... doomed. Haha... OK, here's my question. If you saw a kid getting beat up what would you do? If you interjected what would you say to the kid? What would you saw to the attackers? You like Harry Potter?! Awesome!


Well I may be evil but i am no monster, I would of course help the child and have fun torturing his attackers as well. I would not speak to the mortal though...

((Aww Frosty has a soft side! Maybe i should call him Soft serve.. see what I did there?? Man im funny))

wolfie15 Asked:

Finally i have av opportunity to ask you some questions but my head is almost empty. I still have one question in my head. What do you think about wolves? P.S Im half human half wolf myself and in your army, but i won t kneel because i do what i want.


Hmm... Wolves are good allies.. I rarely work with them for I am irritated by their cries but they come in handy when needed...

NecoKazamaru Asked:

Loki, how did it feel to kill agent Coulson? Did you feel anything at all, or was he just another of your many victims? I was actually really sad when you did, just because he was one of those guys, ya know. I guess you wouldn't, seeing as you didn't really get to meet him, but I liked him,even if he was a Cap stalker. Anyway! I'm off topic again. (P.S. To Tony, why are you the one who gets to watch Loki! I want to have a turn...)


It felt good.. almost refreshing... The one thing holding the Avengers together crumbling in my hands... such a rush... a feeling of control..

((o.0 okaaaay, a bit crazy there Loki, and NO you can not watch Loki! I have too much fun bossing him around! ))

CrazyFREDlover Asked:

What would you do if I won from Sigyn and I's battle?! Oh yeah Truth or Dare? If truth: What is the most embarrassing moment you ever had (other than getting beaten up by Mr. Smexy-Hulk, off course;) ) If Dare: Will you please ditch Sigyn and marry me?! I Command you! You God of Mischief :P s'all :)


If you won in the battle i would marry you.. but you must understand Sigyn is a goddess,and a sorceress .. and you are but a mortal.. I do not see victory in your future. i refuse to participate in this mortal game!

((well i'm forcing you sooo...))

Fine... Truth.. While on midgard Thor and I were dining at a midgardian pub and he insisted i play a "drinking game" He made me drink a full tankard whenever i said mewling quim... I then drank 25 tankards full of ale resulting in me becoming very much intoxicated... Only remember Waking up undressed in the middle of times square tied to Mjolnir....



HELLOOOOOOO Tony here and I am happy to anounce Loki is back and answering questions!

I have also started answering your questions in my new book ont the account called (@askawesome) I got tired of being on the side lines because we all know im the star ;) So gp check it out andnAsk me stuff!

In other news Im sorry to say that Loki will be choosing only 15 questions a week to answer because we are lightening his sentence ( and I am a lazy ass sooo)

Keep on asking guys!


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