Replies 10

436 35 16

ilovepinkiepie asked:

Hey Loki, have you read any of the fan fictions about yourself? If you haven't, start!

Loki's Reply:

Indeed I have and some of them are quite entertaining. Though some of them do tend to disturb me somewhat. Though there are some many I can not read them all. You mortals must love me or something?

ColdAndAQueenX asked:

Loki I just had to ask you, why you are so damn hot. I'm sorry but seriosly I'm dying bc of you! And I wanted to know if you had any idea's of how to get rid of my family? They hate me, I know it!

Loki 's Reply:


Apologies I just had to do that for second. Getting rid of your family is harder than it looks. After you read this you must have this computer destroyed. It is evidence of your what you call 'premeditated murder'. Keep your favorite out the family so that it seems less suspicious. Also make sure they know nothing about this for if they do your plan could be foiled in minutes.

Now if you want it painful you can either do it yourself or hire a hit man. If you hire a hit man make sure you keep tight bonds on him. If the law enforcement of your realm come for him you need to warn him. Tell him to deny everything and get suspicion off of you. If you do it yourself make sure no one is around. If anyone hears a single scream you're done for. Whichever way you kill them wear gloves and shoes that leave almost no trail. Not to mention you'll have to be somewhere no one would think to go or know about.

After killing them leave them in a far off place from the crime scene. That will throw law enforcer off. Also if you're going to bury the bodies make sure it's deep underground where it will take years for someone to find. If you're not burying the bodies either burn or leave them in a tall,grassy area. If you took a vehicles to the location you also have to burn it for it is still evidence.

If the law does catch on deny everything until you are in a corner. If this doesn't work I don't know what will.

hiddles_for_days asked:

Three things:

1.i love you and I must join your army

2.why are you so perfect

3.who would you marry, kiss, or kill

Lady Sif




Loki's Reply:

1. Thanks you I can never have enough members.

2. I was born that way sweety! And don't forget it!

3.Lady Sif- Kiss/Marry




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