Power that Shined in Times of Darkness

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A week has passed after the Monokuma's new rule announcement. Fortunately, everyone is keeping their promises to Xian.

"Everyone, come to the observatory once again!" Monokuma said through the speakers.

I can feel Monokuma getting impatient. Having been successfully abstaining the game for a week already.

We all headed to the observatory as instructed.

"Seems like everyone has arrived PUHUHUHUHU. You guys have been stubborn these past few days and I'm greatly irritated!" Monokuma said.

"So what now? Are you letting us go?" Ritsuka said.

"Quite the contrary. You guys will have to fend off yourselves now. I wouldn't care restocking food, maintaining hygiene within the place and controlling the water and air systems. You'll have to do those things on your own now." Monokuma said.

"BUT THIS IS A CLOSED SPACE! Where in the world can we get food?" Kanon asked.

Kurro patted her shoulders as he walked towards her.

"Don't worry. Monokuma was generous enough to give us the farm facility remember. We can use the stocks there to produce our own food." Kurro said.

"But planting takes time right?" Nick asked.

"Yes. And perhaps, you need blessings from the heaven to give you a bountiful harvest." Liu responded.

"For now, we should conserve food from our pantry. We also have the convenience store to rely too I suppose." Kurro said.

"I guess that will work. We should also start planting our own food to." Kanon said.

"WAIT. HOW ABOUT MEAT?!" Toshiaki asked.

"Don't worry. The convenience store offers some cheap meat. Those will do." Kurro said.

"Maybe we should split into teams. Team for planting and team for the place maintenance." Ritsuka suggested.

"I see it as a good idea." I replied.

"Count me in to the maintenance team!" Ritsuka said.

"I'll be on the planting team." Kurro said.

Kanon, Kurro, Moose, Nick, Ralf, Paris and I were assigned in the plant team. On the other hand, Luna, Ritsuka, Nick, Liu, Toshiaki and Saito were assigned to maintaining the hygeine of the place.

"No matter what you do, it will be futile. I get what I want PUHUHUHUHUHU." Monokuma said as he walked out of the scene.

"I guess we should get started." Kurro said.

"We better get started too." Nick said.

We split in half in order to do our task. Our team went in the farms to start planting the seeds found in the storage.

I'm not gonna lie but it's uncomfortable being on the same team with Ralf. I'll just try to avoid him as much as possible.

After we finished planting, we parted our ways with Paris, Ralf, Moose and Nick.

Kanon, Kurro and I went to the observatory to hang out and chill after today's labor.

"Ahhhh I'm tired!" Kanon sighed.

"At least we have some things to do now aside from just chilling. Maybe this will make us busy enough to forget the whole killing situation." Kurro said.

"It's a bummer I can't test dishes now since our food is now limited." he added.

"I was looking forward to your dishes..." I said as I let out a sigh.

"Don't worry, if we manage to have a bountiful harvest, maybe we can save some for new recipe testing." Kurro said.

"So what do we do now?" I asked.

"Wanna rethink our position in the universe?" Kanon suggested.

Everyone was bamboozled by Kanon's random suggestion.

"I was joking you know. No need to take it seriously." she said.

The three of us were spending a peaceful time together just talking to each other. It was indeed peaceful time after a long day of working.

Suddenly, the order that resided in us was interrupted. Toshiaki was running and panicking as he entered the observatory.

"We need your help! Liu is stuck!" he exclaimed.

"WAIT WHAT?!" I exclaimed.

"Calm down. Explain yourself further." Kurro asked.

Toshiaki took a deep breath. Shortly after that, he started spilling the beans to everyone in the observatory.

"So we were cleaning the disinfectant rooms in facility 3. However, when Liu entered the disinfecting room from the North East wing, it got locked and it still won't bulge." Toshiaki said.

"Under normal circumstances, we would've broke the door but we can't since we'll disobey Monokuma if we did. Please we need your help." Toshiaki pleaded.

We came running all the way from the observatory to Facility 3 North East wing. We were dashing on the hallway hoping to arrive there in a whim.

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