Chapter 10- Jealous

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Hey guys guess who is back after her exams get over - ( ME )😂
And about my Exams I never knew Maths would be easy in 8th because surprisingly Maths was the easiest than all other Subject (LE ME- Shocked 😯)

And what is Happening in the show all of a sudden Ranbir said that in the promo
(LE ME- Confused🤨)
And I am fed up of Rhea Blaming Prachi for every small little thing
(LE ME- Irritated 😑🙄) 

Anyways let's Continue :D 

After the dance Prachi goes near Rhea and Ranbir goes to Ayesha (🤨)

Ranbir- Its time to execute our plan  
Ayesha- Ok I will go to the terrance did you keep the things ready?
Ranbir- Yes everything is ready the ring decoration everything. You just message me when you are ready. OK?
Ayesha(with a heavy heart)- OK 

Ayesha runs to the terrace 🏃🏻‍♀️, Prachi feels weird but ignores it as she was just looking at Ranbir she saw him talking to Ayesha and was feeling a sensation she never felt before (aka Jealousy)

Note- Rhea knows about the plan as Ranbir told Aryan to tell her :D 

Lets go to Ayesha now -

Ayesha went to the terrace and said to herself- Yaar Ranbir, how do I tell you how much I love you but I know it would be selfish if I just think about my love only to also count. (wipes the tears on her face). If I will love anyone I want him to love me too. I think I will leave you but I will always be your friend, and as a friend I will help you get Prachi, What if my love story didn't get complete your love story is getting complete right so I will make you and Prachi ONE by hook or by crook .... 

(I made Ayesha into a Positive Character because then I told you guys that she is sweet and kind and I also think that negative character doesn't suit Eri 😂 and I would like Rhea to be this one day (If Negpal Sir allows -_- which is impossible 🙄😑) )

Ayesha took a breath and felt that she was doing the right thing and send a 👍to Ranbir 

Ranbir receives the thumbs up and goes on top and once he reaches there he sees Ayesha waiting for him 

Ranbir- Ayesha ready 
Ayesha- Yes Ranbir ready :D
Ranbir- I will send a message to Rhea to tell Prachi to come up 

Ayesha smiled seeing his love for Prachi and then Realizes that Ranbir wasn't her love because if he was her love she would be jealous but here he was happy :D 

Ranbir to Rhea 
Ranbir- Rhea get Prachi
Rhea- Ok 👍

Rhea got a extra phone and messaged Prachi 🤣

Rhea( aka stranger)- Ayesha is proposing Ranbir come fast to see this 
Prachi Reads this and gets shocked 
Prachi- Are you lying? Because this is very bad Joke 
Rhea- You think a person will lie on this 😑 
Prachi reads this and runs 🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️ 

Ranbir hears Prachi footsteps 

Ranbir- It's time for action 

Ayesha- OK 👍

Ayesha went on her knees and says

So Mr Ranbir Kholi will you marry me? I love you a lot 

Prachi heard this and was extremely jealous :D  and Sad at the same time 
Jealous as she couldn't see Ayesha and Ranbir together And Sad as she thought Ranbir will not be hers anymore 🥺
There was tears in her eyes she couldn't bear it she felt like she was suffocating so she went to the top floor which was a terrace 

Ranbir ofcourse noticed it and said to Ayesha 
Ranbir- Ayesha thank you so so much Yaar
Ayesha- It is ok no problem I think you should stop wasting time and go near Prachi after what she saw I think she need you more :D. So what are you waiting for go fast 
Ranbir- You are so understanding Ayesha Ok I will leave bye catch you later 
Ayesha- Byeeee... 

Ranbir left Ayesha and Ayesha was very happy to do something great :D 

Ranbir went to find and Prachi and suddenly he heard crying sounds 
He went near the Terrace to spot 

Who do you think comment 

Obviously it was his love lady Prachi :D
She was sitting on the swing thing (idk what it is called 😂🤣) and was crying 
Ranbir's Heart was paining seeing her in this state but he had only one goal and that was to hear the "3 Magical Words" from Prachi's mouth 
He builds his courage and goes near Prachi and askes her

Ranbir- Hey Prachi..... What happened? Why are you crying?
Prachi- You reallly don't know why and I crying 
Ranbir (even knowing why)- No that is why I asked you 
(He was trying to make Prachi smile)
Prachi( In a crying tone)- You wanna hear OK let me tell you I am crying because that Ayesha proposed you doesn't she not know about our relationship? 
Ranbir cut her saying 
Ranbir- No and also did you see it 
Prachi( In a more crying tone)- Yes and I sure you said yes right? 
Ranbir- YES I did 
Prachi (In a complete broken tone)- You😭Said😭Yes?
Ranbir- Yeah why are you jealous 
Ranbir (wiping her tears)- Because you???
Prachi- Because I....

Screen Stops on Prachi's Face 

Sorry this is my first I did a cliffhanger 😛
I love you a lot 
Do you love me?

~~~~~~~~~~~~END OF TODAY'S EPISODE~~~~~~~~~~~~
Question of the day
Who said I love you to whom?
Will the Prachi or Ranbir accept the proposal?

Hope you liked this part
Thank you for all the love
Sorry if there is any grammatical mistakes

Signing off
- Eve

Word- 930  (Kidding me -_-)


Unstoppable love|| Pranbir StoryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz