Chapter 4

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Stiles and Noah had been in Central City for a couple of days, getting settled in.  They had found a counselor for Stiles, who he would see once a week. Caitlin had been really supportive, and they agreed to go to S.T.A.R Labs at the weekend to look into his powers and how they can help him.

It was both Stiles and Noah's first day at Central City Police Department.  

Joe West greeted them when they arrived, he asked one of his deputies Eddie to show Noah around, and took Stiles to Barry's office.

Joe walked in with Stiles, Barry had his back turned to them, writing stuff on his crime board. It reminded Stiles of his board he had at home that he used when trying to solve his dads cases, or and supernatural occurrences.

"Hey Barry this is Stiles, he will be assisting you. He is the son of a very good friend, so please be nice to him." Joe said as he walked out of the room.

 "wow he is beautiful, wait did I just think that, I.m not into guys., what the hell" Barry thought

"Hello." Stiles said waving his hand in front of Barry's face, trying to get his attention.

"Oh sorry, Hi, I'm Barry Allen, nice to meet you" 

Stiles chuckled to himself, seeing that Barry was blushing. 

"So your the speedy guy, nice to meet you, I'm Stiles by the way."

Barry looked stunned for a moment.

"Wait, do you know I'm the speedy guy."

"Caitlin is my cousin, and I'm friends with Cisco. They told me about you."

"Why would they tell you about me."

"I got hit by the blast too, so I guess I'm also a meta-human like you."

"Okay cool, although don't call me the speedy guy, its The Flash."

"Okay, THE Flash." Stiles laughed

"So where do we begin, do you have any big cases you want me to look into that you cant solve and need closing."

"Very confident aren't you?." 

"Yeah well, my dad was the Sheriff back home, I helped close a lot of his cases. I came highest in my class, and didn't even need to finish school, because I am THAT good." Stiles couldn't help but laugh at Barry's shocked face.

"So why did you and your dad come here, run out of crimes to solve?." Barry smirked.

"Oh, just the usual, I was possessed by a 1000 year old fox, killed a lot of people, I was in a pack with werewolves, and they all decided to ignore me, I became depressed and tried to kill my self. And now we are here for a fresh start." Stiles spoke really quickly.

Barry just stood there with his mouth open, not knowing what to say.

"Sorry, I don't know why I told you all that." Stiles said scratching the back of his neck.

"Wait did you say werewolves?."

"I told you you I tried to kill myself and all you got was werewolves." Stiles laughed

"Sorry, its just Werewolves don't exist."

"Oh, they do, ask my dad, he will confirm it. Apart from werewolves in our pack we had a were coyote, a Banshee or Wailing women who can sense death, a kanima which is like a lizard that can paralyse you with its venom, although he is also part werewolf, very long story. we also had a guy who can turn invisible and humans like me."

"Wow, sounds like you have had a lot to deal with, and I am sorry about what happened to you."

"Its OK, I'm getting help, and like I said its a fresh start, for both me and my dad."

"Yeah but sounds like you just came from one crazy town into another one, one full of Meta-Humans."

"That is true, but maybe now that I am a meta-human, I will fit in more, i just need to learn how to control what I have."

"What are you abilities, if you don't mind me asking?."

"I Have fire that comes out of my hands, and can turn things into ice."

"That sounds really cool'"

"I really cant believe I told you all this, I've only just met you, I don't normally trust easily, but you seem different, I feel like I can trust you, I mean your trusting me knowing your secret identity so maybe that's why I felt like I could just tell you anything."

"I guess."

"Barry does Joe know about you?."

"Yeah, he does, this guy started robbing banks etc. Me and Joe tracked him down, but turns out the guy could control the weather, I ended up stopping him using my speed , and Joe saw the whole thing."

"You said your dad was aware of the supernatural, does he know about you?." Barry asked.

"He does, after hiding the supernatural from him in the beginning and then not telling him my depression, which led to my attempted suicide, I swore I would never lie to him again, although it was an accident when I told him, kind of slipped out."

"If it is OK with you, to tell my dad about you, I wont tell anybody else, you have my word, its just when it comes to my dad, he has a way of getting stuff out of me, and I'm hoping that once I learn how to use my powers, I can possibly help you out there, fighting the bad guys."

Barry thought about it,"Yeah I don't mind, it will help on cases too, that way Joe wont have to hide anything from him."

"So what are you working on?." Stiles was looking at Barry's board confused, it had pictures of a Harrison Wells on it.

"Um.. Barry, why are you investigating  Harrison Wells, don't you work with him at S. T. A. R Labs?."

"Yeah, about that, please don't mention this to Caitlin or Cisco. They worship the guy and I don't want to mention anything until I have proof."

"Proof of what?."

"There is a another speedster, called the reverse flash, and he killed my mother. My father ended up going to jail for it, I saw everything, but I was only a young boy and no one believed that I saw a speeding man with yellow lightening."

"And you think it is Harrison Wells?."

"I have my suspicions, there are some things I can not get my head around, so if you would like to help me with it, I mean you did say you are that good." Barry smirks.

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