Chapter 11

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Barry heads down to the pipeline to get some answers from Dr Wells. At this point, Dr. Wells has shed is facade and what Barry gets is full Eobard Thawne, a man whose confidence verges on arrogance and who has nothing but hate for Barry Allen/The Flash, or at least the man he is to become.

In the future, Wells recounts, he and The Flash were locked in a seemingly never-ending struggle. However, the end seemed in sight once Thawne uncovered Barry's secret identity. His plan to wipe Barry from existence by traveling back in time failed, so he decided to kill his mother in the hope of giving young Barry Allen a traumatic tragedy from which he could never recover.

Dr Wells spent the last year training Barry because he needs him to get fast enough to rupture the time barrier, thereby creating a stable wormhole through which Wells can return home.

Dr Wells offers Barry a deal: If Barry allows him to return home, Barry will also be able to save his mother and get everything he's ever wanted.

"I’m giving you a chance to undo all the evil I’ve done. Don’t you want that chance?." says Wells, manipulative.

Team flash makes sure that Barry understands what’s at stake.
They explain that preventing his mother’s death could change Barry’s entire life. His close relationship with Joe and Iris might be gone, he might never meet Caitlin and Cisco. He may never meet the love of his life Stiles. Nothing would be as it was today.
The upside, Barry, and everyone else, wouldn’t know the difference because they wouldn’t remember this timeline.

Thankfully, Barry is surrounded by people who care about him and are willing to help him work through this decision.

First up is Joe, who, at first, is firm in his belief that Barry should travel back in time to save his mother.

"This is why you became the Flash," says Joe. "To put things right."

Obviously, Joe’s putting on facade for Barry’s benefit because of how much their relationship means to him.

Henry, Barry's father who has now been freed, is flat out against the plan because he believes things happen for a reason. From Henry’s perspective, changing his mother’s fate might also undo what’s made the great man he’s watched his son turn into.
To Henry, Barry was always a hero and doesn’t need to do something so drastic to prove it. But, this falls on somewhat deaf ears as Barry just keeps interrupting with some version of "I can save mom!"

Stiles left, not being able to stand there knowing that if he chose to go, everything would change.

Later, Barry finds Stiles pondering on the roof of Jitters.

"What should I do?." Barry asks him.
Makeimg Stiles jump.

"Only you can decide that."

Srilea sighed. "I don't want to lose you. Maybe that's me being selfish, but I'm just starting to get my life together, I can't lose you now."

"it's not being selfish, I understand, I don't want to lose you either, it's just I have a chance to save my mum."

"There is no guarantee you will be able to save your mum this time round. Plus you have already changed the timeline once."

" Yes but if I hadn't done that then Cisco wouldn't be here remember. "

"That's true, but by changing it again, someone you love might die, someone who wasn't supposed to."

"So you wouldn't try and save your dad, if you had the chance?."

"Your forgetting that I've already sacrificed my life to save my dad, and look where that got me. Possessed by a demon fox that made me kill hundreds of people including 2 of my friends."

"That wasn't your fault.."

"I know, but everything has consequences, just think about it, please."

Stiles left Barry to ponder over what he had said.

During his conversation with Dr Wells, Cisco reveals just how traumatizing his memory of the alternate timeline in which Wells murders him is.
Dr Wells, who respects Cisco and views him as a son, is surprised to learn of the alternate timeline. What he finds more intriguing, however, is that Cisco remembers it in the first place.
This confirms something Wells has suspected all along. Cisco, too, was affected by the explosion.
Cisco has spent the better part of a year fighting metahumans, so he doesn’t react well to this new information and rejects it.
Dr Wells urges Cisco to view this as a positive. He promises him that a great and honorable destiny awaits him.

Barry tells Wells he will not be taking up his deal resulting in a fight  between the two speedsters, which sees Barry holding his own against his nemesis.
Thawne gets the upper-hand and is about to kill Barry, after promising to kill everyone else, too but he’s thwarted by none other than Eddie, who shoots himself, thereby stopping Eobard Thawne from ever being born.
As Thawne shifts back and forth between himself and Wells, he starts to fade into existence.

Hope you liked it, decided to not send Barry back in time, didn't want his and stiles relationship to alter.

Planning on a flash and arrow crossover in the next chapters. Thinking of having Stiles meet the arrow team including Roy Harper (Arsenal) who turns out to be nine other than Jackson Whitmore. What do you think? .

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