Chapter 2 - Pete

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I woke up the next day with Bronx jumping up and down on me and Meagan's bed. "Wake up, wake up!" Bronx exclaims adorably as he shakes us awake. I hear Meagan laugh. "Okay, okay. Calm down." She says.

I could feel her leave the bed and I sigh as I prop on my elbows and rub the sleep out of my eyes. "Do I have to get up?" I whine like a five year old. It was weird because Bronx was a five year old and I'm the one asking. "Bronx is the five year old here. So no. You have to get up." She says before walking in the bathroom to take a shower.

I sigh. I pull the covers off my body and sit on the edge of the bed. I look to my right to see my phone with a message. It was from Patrick an hour ago. I check the time to see that it's 7 in the morning. 'That's weird. Patrick never wakes up that early. Must be something important.' I thought to myself as I read his text.

'Pete, can you come to my house? It's really important.' His text says. 'Sure, Patrick. Be there in a few minutes.' I text back.

I stand up and go to my wardrobe, which consisted of so many clothes. I just took a black shirt, black skinny jeans, and a pair of black boots.

The standard punk clothes.

I don't bother fixing my hair anymore since I cut it short. I knock on the bathroom door. "Meagan, I'm going to see Patrick. He told me it's something important." I tell her. "Okay. Just be careful." She replies.

I grab the keys to my car walk out the door to our bedroom and walk down the hall. Our house is pretty big so I get lost sometimes. I know it's my house, but I can't help it. I arrive at the living room to see Bronx playing with his toys. "Where are you going, daddy?" He asks. "I'm going to see uncle Patrick." I tell him as I ruffle his hair. "Can I come?" He says, giving me the puppy eyes. "Nah ah ah. I'm not falling for that again. It may work before, but not now. I'll see you later, buddy."

I kiss his head and walk out the door and into my car. The engine revs up as I start the car and drive to Patrick's house.


I arrive at Patrick's home. It wasn't a big house. Patrick never really need lots of stuff. He was good with just a regular home since he had a studio inside.

I get out of the car and walk to the front door and knock. I waited for several minutes before the door opens to reveal a teary eyed Patrick. "Whoa, what's up man?" Was the first thing l said as I enter his house and close the door behind me. He sniffs and wipes some of the tears away. "Let's talk in the living room." He says quietly. I nod and walk to the living room.

I sit down on a sofa as Patrick sits next to me. "Okay, what happened? And where's Elisa?" I ask. Whenever I visit, Elisa is usually the one who opens the door since Patrick is always in his studio. Patrick starts crying more and he buries his face into his hands. "Hey, buddy. What's wrong?" I ask softly, worried for my best friend. "It's Elisa, Pete." He looks up from his hands and looks at me. "She cheated on me."

To say I was shocked was an understatement. Elisa? Cheating? That's impossible! She's so sweet and innocent! She couldn't do it! But I also know that Patrick isn't a liar. He would never lie about anything serious. I pull Patrick in for a hug, to which he accepted and started sobbing on my shoulder. "I'm sorry man. I didn't think she could do that." I admit to him. "I-I know. I thought she couldn't do it too. But I saw it with my own eyes, Pete." His voice breaks in the end and he continues sobbing.

Poor Patrick. They were together for so many years. I remember how happy he was when Elisa said yes when he proposed. I remember how he cried a little when he saw Elisa walking down the aisle.

Now all I see is a man devoid of happiness.

And I think Patrick won't be happy again until someone can fill him with happiness.

Sorry for the short chapter. You can blame school. Now I hope you guys enjoy this. Even if it's a little short. Stay sassy, people.

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