Chapter Two

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Chilled's PoV

"Yes, Adam. I don't know what to do. I called the police and shit," I yelled into the phone. I had gone over to Max's house and found him in the tub. The water was a dark red. His arms were sliced open along with his legs. Once I had seen it, I called the police. Then I called Adam. He was one of my closest friends. I was crying and yelling, probably upsetting Adam too. I didn't pull Max out of the water and I didn't drain it either. I had no idea what to do. "Adam, help me."

"Anthony, is he breathing?" Adam asked as calmly as he could. I could tell he was about to cry as well. It hadn't occurred to me to see if Max was breathing. I took a deep breath and kneeled down next to Max. I grabbed his hand and brought it up. I found nothing for a pulse on his wrists so I laid my head on his chest. His heart slowly beat. "Anthony, did you check?"

"He's breathing. The police still aren't here, Adam. I'm scared," I said. I looked at Max's face. He looked so peaceful. He was dying, but he didn't care. He looked happier than I'd ever seen him. Than again, he had done this himself. He cut. Maybe that's why he was peaceful.

"Just remain calm. Stay with him until the police arrive," Adam paused and sighed. "How deep are the cuts?" I stopped, not knowing what to say. I grabbed one of his arms and held it up.

"Really deep," I replied shakily. I could barely talk because I kept choking up. I heard footsteps right before the door was thrown open. Several people walked in and went over to Max. A person walked up to me and pulled me out of the house. I hung up the phone call with Adam some time later. Max was taken to the hospital and I was asked questions. I answered them as honestly as I could. Then the police left, and I was left by myself next to Max's house. I went into his house and looked around. The police had drained the tub and cleaned it out. The razor was taken out of there, but his phone was still present. I picked it up. A few drops of blood were stained onto the cover and screen. I turned it on and looked at his recent calls. I was the last person that had called. I was the only person that had called him today. He had Skype pulled up. He sent messages to a few people. Almost everyone but me.

'Goodbye, everyone. You were some of the best friends I could have hoped for. I guess if you're seeing this, I'm probably gone. Don't bother calling. I'm already gone. Thanks for the happy moments. I only have happy moments with you guys. I just couldn't escape it. Something was following me. I had a shadow following me with a gun held to my head. Yeah. I'm sure none of you will care though. Once again, goodbye.' Max had sent that in a group chat that he had invited everyone too. Renee had gotten a private message.

'I love you. Whenever you think of me, think of those words. They are probably the only words I can say to you. You don't love me back though. You cheated on me. You broke my heart. You threw me into the water and held me down. You killed me. I was on the edge, and you pushed me off. It's funny though. I can swim, but once you left, I couldn't. Even if you hate me, I love you. Well, maybe not anymore. I did though. I would never cheat on you. I thought it was a steady relationship. To you though...we were nothing. We've been together for what...four years now? Since 2011. All of the struggles I went through to keep you happy. In the end it didn't matter. You were my life raft. You kept me up. Then you suddenly deflated and I died. That's about the best I can explain it. Thanks for helping me...and killing me. Bye forever.' Max hadn't mentioned anything about Renee. I thought they were still together. I noticed I had a message from him too.

'You were different. There was something about you that made you fun. You helped me. Your laughter, you smile, your personality. Jeez, your looks were probably a big one. With or without the hat, you're cute. Yes, Anthony, I'm dead now. But, what I'm saying, is I LOVE you. You look adorable in your glasses. I haven't had the guts to tell you though. I didn't want to be rejected. You were with Jess and I was with Renee. But, Renee left me. She cheated, and now I'm dead. I'm probably not helping you. Just saying random things that you don't want to hear. You'll probably hate me after this. If I have a funeral, I wouldn't judge you if you didn't show. I don't know when my feelings developed for you. Maybe last year. I wouldn't call myself gay, more like bi. Thanks for trying to help. But, goodbye, my love.' I almost dropped his phone. Max couldn't like me. Did he not know about Jess and I? I guess I'd never told him about the break up. We had one fight to many and things got bad. I shivered, thinking about that night. Max's phone rang.

"Hello?" I asked. My voice was shaking.

"Who is this? Where's Max?" A male voice shouted at me.

"This is Anthony. Max is in the hospital. Who's this?" I replied.

"This is Jordan. What happened? Is he okay? I just checked my phone. I got a message," Jordan asked, panic coating his words. I explained everything to Jordan. That night I answered call after call. I went to the hospital and sat in the waiting room. I eventually stopped answering phone calls and instead sent a text to everyone saying Max was okay. When I finally got to see Max, it wasn't pretty. He was in the hospital bed, crying. His arms were now wrapped up. He had been shouting at the doctors. Telling them he wanted to die, and that whoever saved him was a horrible person. I heard his shouts, and I wanted to help. I really did. With everything he was saying, I didn't know if it'd be a good idea to tell him I was the one who helped. I didn't know what I was supposed to do. I had saved my friend's life. The same friend that had just confessed his feelings because he thought he was gone. I guess his plan had failed. I'd probably just ruined his life more.

"Hi, Max. How are you feeling?" I asked cautiously as I stepped into the room. The door creaked shut behind me and I went over to a chair. I sat in the one closest to him. Max looked up at me and tried to wipe his tears.

"Chilled, how do you think I feel. Someone saved me. They called the fucking police. I wanted to die. I wanted to be left alone. Some fucking idiot-" Max started yelling, but I quickly interrupted him.

"I was the one who saved you," I said quietly. Max stopped yelling and fell quiet. "You know, I saw it. I saw everything you put on Skype. People have been calling all night to see if you're okay. I understand how you feel," I said, mixing everything I wanted to say into one big sentence.

"Wait, Anthony. Before you say anything about what I sent you on Skype, come over here," Max said, interrupting my thoughts. I stood up and walked closer to him. He slowly got himself up, moving into a sitting position. Max moved his hands up, one going behind my neck, the other cupping my face. He pulled me down and pushed his lips onto mine. I didn't react for a moment. My friend was kissing me. I closed my eyes and kissed back. I felt Max smile into the kiss. He pulled away and looked up at me. I stared at the ground, blushing. Max laughed.

"I was going to say, I think I like you too."

I Still Care - A ChilledMexican FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now