Chapter Fifteen

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Max's PoV

I woke up with a god awful pain in my head. I didn't remember much. My head was a jumbled mess. I was lying on the ground. It was hard wood. The room was dark except for a small amount of light coming from the hallway. I lay in my own pool of dried blood. No one was by me. The door was locked up with pieces of furniture thrown in front of it. Screaming. That's what I heard. A laugh echoed around the house. I quickly stood myself up, ignoring the pounding in my head. Pain replaced my blood as I stood up. Finally, I got up and steadied myself against the wall. I wanted to call out for help, but decided against it as some things came back to me. All the things that happened. I would kill Adam.

"You best pray he's alive when I get there," I mumble to myself. Blood splatters stained the walls and floors. Things had really gone down. I checked room after room, slowly approaching the one with a light on. The only room that looked touched was the bathroom. Blood pooled in the cracks between the tiles. Peroxide and bandages laid on the floor. One spilled and the other unraveled. I continued down the hallway until my hand rested above the door knob.

"Max, you can come in," Adam's voice called out to me. I slowly opened the door. Adam stood in the back of the room with a satisfied look on his face. Anthony on the other hand looked terrified. He was at Adam's side, tied down to a chair. A gag was shoved in his mouth, ruining any chance of communication. His hands were bound behind his back; tied to each other as well as the chair. The same with the feet. A rope rested against his chest, pulling him even farther back into the chair. There was no way he was getting out of that anytime soon. Steven leaned against the wall, a look of discomfort on his face. Renee lay on the bed. I had no knowledge of her being there.

"What do you guys even want with us? What did Anthony and I do?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady. I wanted to run forward and beat the life out of Adam. If only I could without being stopped...or scaring Anthony. I looked at Adam again, studying him. His nose was bent at an awkward angle and a long gash ran down the side of his face. I hoped that was my work from earlier.

"What didn't you do?" Renee scoffed from her comfortable palace.

"Max, you never noticed. Steven and I dropped hints all the fucking time, but you two never understood. You left us rejected," Adam said, taking a step forwards. The door closed behind me as Steven locked it and shoved a chair underneath the handle.

"Ever think we weren't interested?" I question. The smile on Adam's face grew larger as he got closer. He pushed a hand against my chest.

"You can't reject this. You can't Max, because I'm irresistible." Adam got up on his tip toes leaning in. I quickly kneed him in the gut, causing him to drop. "Playing hard to get?" Adam asked, holding his stomach as he tried getting back up.

"What's that cut on your face from? And the broken nose?" I ask, sarcasm lacing my voice.

"Fuck you," he growls, finally getting up all the way. He puts a fist in my face, hitting my head back against the wall. I cursed in pain, sliding down the wall and holding my head. "Who's the injury on the back of you head from?" Adam snickered.

"Steven and his gun," I say, looking at him. Adam just sighs and walks over to Anthony.

"If we're going to play like that, than may I do this?" Adam asked, pulling a knife from his belt. My heart sank as he pushed it up against Anthony's throat. Anthony had his head tilted back as far as possible. Adam pushed the knife further into; making a little blood drip. Anthony's eyes were filled with terror.

"Wait. Just, stop. I'll do anything. Please don't hurt him," I beg, pushing myself up. But Adam doesn't care. He doesn't even hesitate. He pulls the blade across Anthony neck, releasing a waterfall of blood. I scream his name and instantly pounce at Adam again. He collides with the wall behind him, looking slightly dazed. My fist raises, slamming into his face again and again. I only stopped when I felt the blade of the knife pierce my skin. I deliver one last punch and fell to the ground.

A/N Hey, everyone. I'm sorry for the long wait. Things have been happening and my life hasn't been the best. I know this isn't the greatest chapter, especially since I took this long to make it. Thanks for sticking with me through everything though. I'll try to get another update out soon. Also, thanks to everyone who has been leaving feedback.

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