The seventeenth chapter

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(So... Funny story! This could have actually been a totally different story if you guys hadn't mostly wanted Alex to come in. I actually planned the book slightly ahead to have this choice! Maybe you thought, 'well, he probably won't let Alex go...'! I could have because that was planned U-U Also the picture above is...)


Garcello pov.

Looking at Y/N I was waiting for his answer...

"I think it would be best to bring him with us home!" He says nodding up and down with his head agreeing with himself.

I laugh slightly at his silly ways of showing interest in the question. Alex's breathing hitches slightly though and my attention is pulled towards him instead. 

"Do you need help to walk?" I ask him slowly to make sure he hears me properly and all he does is nodding towards me...

Taking my arm slowly under his legs and the other arm under his neck I lift him up. This is the only way I can carry him without making him uncomfortable since he was too short to carry by the shoulder.

"Could you take his things? They might just matter a lot to him..." I tell Y/N looking at him at the same time. His eyes showed both happiness and worry probably for the little guy in my arms.

"Yeah, I won't mind taking the box! I'll just put everything in it and carry the whole thing." He tells me and then walks towards the box and opens it to put back the things I had taken out.

He seems to stop moving for a moment and when I look over I understand why. The bloody flower was in his hand...

"Be careful with that... It most likely will break in too much pressure..." I said calmly hoping he would snap out of it so we could leave before the sun fully would fall under the earth.

His head is shaking side to side like he is trying to let the thought of the flower go and puts it in the box closing. Then he puts the pillow onto the box, standing up and taking the box with him.

When he turns around he smiles softly towards me and then looks at Alex still having the same expression.

"Let's go, Alex! We are bringing you home!" He says looking into Alex's eyes. I can feel the shaking boy in my arms calm down.

"C... Cold..." He slowly says and as on cue, Y/N puts down the box beside him and then takes his arms really close to mine underneath Alex. He then pulls him upwards so he is the one carrying Alex.

I decide to let him carry him and take off my coat. The chill air in the alley hits my skin on my arms and I understand why he would be cold at this time.

"We need to hurry, as you said, nighttime is soon!" He tells me walking towards the exit we came from to get into the alley. I follow with him but not before picking up the box.

While walking I have a feeling that there is something wrong with Alex's throat because he hasn't spoken a single bit since we got to him. Only once...


We had gotten home at this point and it took a while. We were lucky to get home right in time for some police sirens to be heard in the background. 

Y/N had put Alex on the couch and was looking out the window looking like he was in a lot of thoughts. I decided to question him about it by putting my hand on his shoulder and giving him a questioning look.

"I just don't know what to think about this... He was so light I could carry him..." He says slowly almost mumbling but not looking at me but still out the window. He was sitting on the edge of the couch's armrest.

He continues to mumble different questions quickly so I couldn't even answer the ones that I knew. Suddenly he stopped when Alex started to groan in his sleep and instead his head snapped towards him.

"How old is he, Gar?" He said still not looking at me but focusing on Alex. He probably thought he is a child from how tiny he is.

"He is 25 years old, Y/N. You don't have to worry, he should be fine." I tell him so that he isn't as stressed anymore. "He told me that the reason he is so small could be the little amount of food he has consumed..." I continue slowly rubbing circles on Y/N's back.

"How long has he been out there?" He asks me looking at me this time...

"I don't know N/N..." I answer his question by making a small little nickname for him as well. I can feel him relax slightly and breathe out some air that seemed to have been held in.

Still rubbing circles on his back I see in the corner of my eye that Alex is sitting up slowly. I look over to him and give him a smile. Does he seem to be looking very confused about what has happened?

"What the fuck am I doing in a house?" He says slowly laughing slightly afterward. His voice was pretty low for being so small. It was a smooth voice compared to his childish one before.

He looks over at me and then he looks shocked that I am there? What happened to him?

"Garcello? What am I doing here?" He asks me slowly.

"We thought it would be better to take you home with us since you looked so beat up..." 

"We might just keep you here!" Y/N suddenly cut me off while I was talking and when I see Alex he seems to be slightly worried.

"I... I think someone is after you... Garcello..." He tells me slowly looking down to the sofa. 

"What makes you think that?" I ask him. I want to know how he knows about this...

"Some guy came up to me with his gun and beat me up for not telling me anything about you..." He tells me and it makes me feel furious...

This boy was innocent... What the hell is DD doing!!


(This is the end of this chapter because man I don't have as much time today. I have a DnD session I need to be on at these times... It's kinda funny, lmao. I am still going to continue these chapters, of course! Also... I have a small plan... Involving some drama... We will see what happens later. Maybe I'll let you know next chapter!)

-----(Until the next chapter!)-----

Promises ( Garcello x Reader ) [Being reworked to ao3]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon