My Step Father 4

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"Riley.. baby.. Riley, please just talk to me. What did I do?" Michael asked in a begging pleading tone for at least 15 minutes. "Baby, please let me fix whatever I did. Can you at least just talk to me?" I stopped packing my bags to look at him.

"I. Hate. You. The. End." I emphasized every word with such hatred meaning. It was true, I hated him, but mostly I hated myself for ever taking him back.

I can't believe it only took him 7 months to cheat on me. He has probably done it behind my back while he was away at the studio or rehearsals. It wouldn't surprise me if that was the case. As the old saying says, "Once a cheater, always a cheater." I believe it.

"Baby, what did I do?? I don't know what I did. Tell me what I did wrong." Michael begged again.

"You know exactly what you did. The fact you are here lying to my face about what just happened between you and that whore makes it even worse." I zipped up my suit case putting it by the door.

"Don't call her that, she has a name." I quickly turned around to look at him.

"Wookie, isn't it? That is what you call her right?" Michael nods his head. "How about you call 'WOOKIE' over since she can do you better than I can and just undress you while dropping to her knees whenever you want her to.
! I seen and heard it all Michael. Don't stand there and deny shit." Michael clenched his jaw together and took a step towards me.

"If I wanted Brooke don't you think that she would be here instead of you?! Would you be pregnant with my son if I wanted her?! If I wanted Brooke, I would have fucked her in my office, but I didn't! I don't fucking want Brooke, I don't know how many times I have to tell you that!" He raised his voice at me, usually I would just fall to my knees and apologize but not this time.

"Why didn't you stop her when she was touching your dick? Why didn't you stop her when she pulled your pants down getting ready to suck your dick? You know what? Don't answer that, I don't care anymore. You and I, we are officially done."

"No! You can't leave me. What about Jayla? What about Mikah? Are you going to do the same thing to Mikah as you did to Jayla? Keep him away from me?" That last part just pissed me off, my hormones and my bipolar really kicked in to overdrive.

"Michael, you are so fucking pathetic! Don't stand there and try to compare Jayla's situation to Mikah's! You knew nothing about Jayla, this time you do know. Just so you know, I didn't even want to have another baby! But I put that to the side because you wouldn't stop talking about wanting to have another baby! I love/loved you so much that I set aside my troubles just to make you happy. Look where it got me. I am done sacrificing my wants and feelings just to have them demolished by you. I'm just done. Once and for all."

"If that is how you really feel then maybe you should just give me my son and we can share custody of Jayla. Since you hate me so much and you did it for me. Just give me my son, he will be out of your way." He snapped.

"I am not just going to give you my child, Michael. He is my son just as much as he is yours. I am not going to take your kids away from you, Michael. You are an amazing father to Jayla and I know you will be just as amazing to Mikah. The only thing we will ever have is our kids. But I just can't fucking be with your cheating ass. I am so over it." Once again bipolar.

It is then that his demeanor started to change. Those sweet, loving eyes of his were gone.

"Why are you doing this Danielle? Have I not given you what you have always dreamed of? Have I not shown you multiple times that you are the only woman that matters to me? Why are you leaving me? You aren't even listening to what I have to say and what really happened."

"I seen and heard it all Michael. I don't need your manipulated explanation on what happened. Now you can call your whore back over and fuck her in your office, since that is clearly on your mind." I walked over to my suit case pulling up the handle. I still have to go pack some of Jayla's items and toys.

Michael, walked up behind me, wrapping his long arms around my belly. Like always Mikah starting kicking like crazy from the contact of Michael's touch. Though I didn't feel comfortable with the way he was looking at me.

"How about I take you to my office and fuck you hard on my desk. Against the door. Against the wall. On the couch. No one can touch or do me better than you can." I had to fight the urge to just jump his bones, but I gained strength to push him away. His sexy talk always gets me.

"I think you have me confused for someone else, which isn't unusual. Call your whore, she would be happy to receive some dick from you. I'll text her for you." I grabbed my phone pretending to text her, but he yanked it out of my hands and threw it against the wall. It's a good thing that I back up my data.

I was so pissed off that I slapped him in the face. Michael didn't like that too much considering he had a tight grip around my neck slamming me against the wall. He wasn't choking me, besides I was used to him actually choking me during sex.

"Don't you ever fucking hit me again! I have done nothing but love you every day." His grip started getting tighter. "That's not enough for you. Nothing I do is ever good enough for you." He wrapped his second hand around my neck which caused his grip to be tighter. "I left my soon to be ex-wife for you. I am putting my career and reputation at risk for you. I have taken care of you when you were sick, over the toilet puking I was holding your hair. I made sure that you had everything you needed and wanted when you were on your monthly. I have taken care of you! And you don't care!" I was gasping for oxygen at this point. "Why aren't you satisfied with me!? Am I too ugly for you?! Do I not make enough money for you!? Do I not please you during sex!? Do I not make you happy!? Do I not make you feel loved and special!?" Michael gritted through his teeth. He was about to continue and I really couldn't breathe. I was already feeling light headed and weak. I was struggling to breathe, I was gasping for air but I couldn't.

This isn't the Michael that I know and love. When he stared at me, he was a completely different person. His eyes were dark and evil.

"Daddy, what are you doing to mommy?" That's when he came back to reality and his eyes softened. He quickly moved his hands from my throat only to rub my soon to be bruised neck.

I was not comfortable being in his presence at this point. Michael was seconds away from killing both me and our unborn baby. If it weren't for Jayla we could have been dead. I found just enough strength to push him away from me.

"You will never see Jayla or Mikah ever again."

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