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╔  ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯  ╗prologue ⁰⁰⁰❛the lab❜╚  ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯  ╝

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prologue ⁰⁰⁰
the lab
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Godfrey Park had known only of white walls, mysterious serums, cold meals, and the serial number printed on the pale skin of his left forearm. He had no family, friends, or love—only the doctors with wiry glasses, lab coats, and cold fingers. At first, he was too young to understand the reality of his living circumstances, but as time passed his subconscious began vividly painting over the world (the lab) in vibrant coloring to mask its true horrors.

Doctors were initially concerned that a serum had gone horribly wrong and he'd be forever stuck in his lucid state of mind where explosions of incandescent blues and yellows imploded around him.

Exposure to television was to blame somewhat. He'd snuck a peek at one of the guards watching some cartooned show in the rec room, and from there on his mind began to paint over certain horrors with incredulous cartoon imaging. It was so much easier. So much easier to ignore the screams, the blood, the sickly feeling that crept up his spine whenever Freedman spoke or smiled that little smile of amusement when Godfrey writhed in pain.

Back then, Godfrey was nothing but a boy, of course, his eight-year-old mind would want to forget all the pain. His extensive testing had caused him various illnesses that made him a late bloomer until the eve of his 14th birthday, in which he began miraculously growing. The doctors, hopeful at first, thought they'd tapped into something. But, Dr.Freedman debunked that theory and had even more experiments conducted.

According to Freedman, Godfrey's parents had died in an unfortunate accident, leaving the child in his care at around 5 years of age. Elrick Freedman had placed him under the surveillance of his "lab", which was really a slaughterhouse.

The "patients" within the lab were genetically enhanced trained stealthy assassins, working for Freedman's company to take out competitors, opposing political figures, etc. They gained their powers through an injection of Freedman's Göttlich (GOD) serum at an early age. Children injected with the serum will develop abilities that rendered them near-unkillable, they were able to lose large masses of blood (self-healing), telekinetic, possessed super strength, speed, and agility.

In addition to being sterilized, they were served cold meals, and forced to practice on each other, no matter their age. Doctors feared for Godfrey's survival within the lab and kept him secluded but celled near Emmanuel, one of the rare patients to develop telepathy.

Shortly before his 15th, Godfrey executed his plan to escape. Burning the lab to the ground, vowing to exterminate everyone who knew of the experimen—


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