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Carol's long blonde hair whipped her pale face in the strong winds and covered up her blue eyes and her stunning face. Pretty much every man in the office liked her. The girls? Not so much. They weren't that fussed by her, she wasn't into painting her nails and talking about boys. She put all her focus into work and she was happy. Her family lived away in Australia and never really spoke to her, probably because they never made the effort to be good parents when she was just a young girl. They were never there for her and she had to learn how to fight from her brother. But even her brother stopped helping her, he started with the drugs. Heroine. Marihuana. Meth. The lot. He died only a few years ago, not because of drugs, but for being in so deep and owing so much money he got beaten to death by one of the gangs. No one attended his funeral but her. Just another reason to hate her pathetic parents.

The office was empty today. It was a Sunday after all. No one really worked on Sunday apart from her and Logan and Lucy. Not even Carol liked Lucy. Lucy was so...self obsessed. She adored herself and whatever she did, be it right or wrong. She could be the most horrible person in the world and upset everyone she loved and still think she was right. Everytime Lucy discovered something before her Department Co-Worker, Logan, she rubbed it in his face and wouldn't let it go. She was also the teacher's pet of the office. Always doing what the Captain asked immediately, making everyone look bad. Sometimes she had even mucked up entire cases because she did something else whilst doing something to do with a case and then giving false information. Pathetic bitch. No one understood how she had friends. "Hi Carol." She said as Carol entered the empty room, Carol acknowledged her with a nod and approached her desk. Lucy too the opportunity to walk up to Carol and speak to her; "So, how goes the new murder case?" Carol didn't look at Lucy as she replied effortlessly and unconvincingly; "It's ok." Lucy nodded and noticed Carol's effortless reply and approached her own desk and began working. The fan rotated as its propeller spun around, blasting cool air around the room. "Hi Car....oh. Hi Lucy." Logan said as he entered the room. His smile faded from his face and he slumped where he stood and walked to his desk. Lucy waved as he dragged his feet to his desk. He slouched in his chair and rolled it towards Carol as she worked. Lucy looked at the two of them laugh and joke for a while, envying their friendship. They helped eachother work and, in between, joked about like a couple of school children. "Can...Can I help?" Lucy asked quietly and neither of them acknowledged her. She frowned and felt like crying, but she got on with her own work.

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