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"Carol," Logan yelled from the other side of the office as he approached her. "Yes Logan?" She replied, standing up from her chair. "We have news. I looked into who that dead cop shot a while back, because we thought that his brother did it, and I found out, he's in prison. Well, he escaped yesterday, but it wasn't him. No photos were taken on this phone but text was sent, it said; There's a hobo here with a bloody axe, help." Carol's eyebrows arched and confusion stretched upon on her face. Carol followed Logan over to his desk where he got up the criminal database; "You see this, this is Jason Bakerson. His brother, a deceased ex gang leader, Thomas Bakerson, was shot by a police officer, who was killed the other day in the forest. We all believed Jason did it, but we are led to believe that it was this hobo, or old man whatever." Carol started to fix the pieces together and the idea snapped, it was-to her belief-a light bulb moment; "Jason's prison, it's bound to have CCTV footage of who broke Jason out, right? Maybe this hobo is working with Jason on gang business and he broke him out." Logan nodded and his fingers tapped at different keys on the keyboard and he opened up a file with footage of the break out but stopped to ask; "Why would they wait this long? Jason's been away for 7 years, why wait?" Carol shrugged but gestured to the video and the image began to play. Not much happened but then a scruffy man came into view and the image paused. "Logan, run a face match. See if he's in the databas." Logan nodded and began to tap away at more keys, focusing even more on the task at hand. Carol knew it would take a while and so walked over to her own desk for a while. The office was sweltering, which was rare, so she decided to turn on her fan. In the 10 years she had worked at the station, she had only used her fan a few times. Her computer turned on, revealing a bright blue image. She imputed her username and password and heard the clatter of heels approach; "Any news?" Lucy said and Carol shook her head. "Lucy, Carol, I see you are both working hard. As you should be, anyway. Lucy, go do that thing I, umm, told you to do earlier." Lucy nodded, confused, and walked to her desk. The Captain loomed over Carol as she waited, impatiently, for her computer to login; "Keep an eye on Lucy." He demanded, his warmth breath entering her ear, she turned to face his him. She hated that face of his, so ugly. His skin was always sweaty, liked he had gone for a run, and he had the largest nose he had seen. His eyes were like tiny pinpricks and his lips were massive. He was bald and that did not look good with the elephant ears he had. "Why, sir?" She asked and he stood up straight and looked at Lucy; "Ever since this case started, detective, she has been...nervous and awkward." She had to stop herself from laughing but she said what couldn't be not said; "Isn't she always like that, Captain?" He smirked as he said; "Funny, just do as I ask. I have a feeling she knows something about this case. But, do not sympathise with her, act the same and get as much out of her that you can." With that he wondered off, into his large office and sat back in his luxurious, black leather seat. "Hey, Carol. We got a match." Logan said, not looking up. Carol rushed over, eager to know more details. "Basil Hawk, aka Burden. A scruffy, middle aged fraud. Pretends to be homeless for money. We took him in, what... 6 years ago. He was let out within a month. Then he joined Thomas' gang and was the last to join. After Thomas died and Jason taken in, Basil disappeared. He was sighted a year ago in Scotland but he vanished again after brutally murdering his mother." Carol gasped and was taken aback by the pure insanity of the criminal. She focused on the fuzzy image of the scruff ball and screwed up her face in distortion and anger; "Tomorrow, we get out guy."

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