Grell the Reaper

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Sebastian and Ceil were gone tonight. They said it had something to do with the queen bla bla bla. God British people talk about the queen like she is their own mother!! To these Brits they think they can rely on the queen  The queen this the queen that !! Jeass it get annoying....

 I lay in my bed staring at the ceiling. Everyone was also asleep so I had no one yo talk to.BORING!!!!

* Knock Knock*

 I looked over to the door and yelled 'Come in!' But no one opened it... That's strange.....

* Knock Knock*

"I said come in!!!" I yelled.

*Knock Knock Knock*

"Grrrrrrr......" I growls. I got up from my bed and stomped to the door. I grabbed the handle slinging the I revealed that no one was there.... Is this manor haunted or something.....

*Knock Knock Knock*

I glanced at the window knowing that was the only other place someone would knock on for entrance. To my surprise  a dark figure loomed in the window. My survival instinct told me to freeze in place, which I did.

*Knock Knock Knock*

"Pssst. Miki open the flippin window." Whispers the figure.

Wait in know that voice... It's.... Grell?!?!?

 I ran over to the window to fully see who the figure was. And to my surprise there was a man.... It is it a woman??? Anyway he/she had long red hair, with old lady looking glasses. His/her outfit looked like one of a barber. I just wish I knew if it was a boy or girl... Why doesn't gender make since anymore!!!!

"Miki is me Grell open the window!! It's cold out here!!" That voice is definitely Grell's.  

 I quickly ran to the window still a little confused. I opened it up letting the figure who was said to be my best friend Grell into my room. The figure gracefully walked it the center of the room and put a hand in their hip.

" Ah good it is soo warm in here." The figure said running a hand through their hair.

"G-Grell... Is that really y-you?" I stuttered... Crap...

" Yes Miki I am Grell the real Grell the redest reaper of them all~." Grell said 

"A.. Reaper... They are real?" I asked utterly shock. 

"Yes dear~ We are real~ I just came to tell you good bye." He sighed.

"G- good bye?!? What do you mean?!?"  

"Oh no no no!!! I mean that I will not be working at the Phantomhive  manor from now on. We will see each other again. I will even come and visit you from time to time. But I must go I have the job of a reaper to uphold~ " Grell said pulling me into a hug.

" Oh ok.... I will miss you Grell... I will always look forward to your visits.." I hugged back.

Grell let me go and jumped onto the window seal.

"Bye darling see you later." Grell waved diss spearing into the night.

I closed to window and stood their  

still trying to comprehend what just happened. Soon I heard footsteps coming near my room. Not to long afterwards Sebastian and Ceil burst threw my door.

"Where his he!!!" Ceil yelled.


"Grell.. You see he was the one commuting all the murders that young master has been investigating." Sebastian said.

"Grell did that?!?"

" Im afraid so Lady Miki.."

"Grell just  left.... He told me that he was a reaper and that he would come to visit me.." 

Grell.... Why... Why did you do something like that...... I don't care!!! Grell is still my best friend!! No matter what!!

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