The New Neighbors

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Johnny Test, Third Person


The Tests looked out their living room window to see a moving van. A big, burly man in an orange jumpsuit had dropped a box that was kinda glowing an eerie green.

A woman in a teal jumpsuit picked up the box and headed inside.

An older girl and a younger boy got out of a high tech RV thing with boxes of their own and headed inside the house next to the Tests.

"Looks like we've got some new neighbors!" Mr. Test said, "Girls, don't scare them off like the last ones,"

"It's not our fault Johnny's exoskeleton went haywire!" Susan Test said.

"But who built it?" Johnny Test asked, a sly smirk on his face.

That warranted a glare from both twins, Susan and Mary.

Nevertheless, the Tests went over to the new neighbors' house, bearing meatloaf.

Danny Phantom, Danny POV

Our new neighbors came over with a loaf of meatloaf.

"Welcome to the neighborhood!" the father said, shoving the meatloaf into my father's hands.

My parents, being nice people, let our neighbors inside.

The two twins picked up one of Jazz's psychology books.

"Fascinating," one of them said.

"You two into psychology too?" Jazz asked.

"All sciences really," the other said.

That launched into a boring conversation between the three girls in the living room. My parents were busy with the other adults, which left me with a boy three years younger then me and his dog.

"Wanna go to my house and play video games?" the boy asked.

I nodded, "Beats here,"

After I shouted to my mom I was headed out, I went to the house beside our new one.

I still don't know why my parents moved us from Amity Park to a place called Porkbelly, but at least I could still call Sam and Tucker.

"So what's your name?" I asked the boy as we entered his house.

"Johnny Test," he said, flopping on the couch with a controller "And the dog's Dukey,"

I sat beside Johnny, "Danny Fenton,"

Johnny Test, Johnny POV

Danny seemed like a pretty cool person. Much more interesting then our sisters or parents.

"Johnny hold still!" Mary said as she chased me around the lab with a new invention that may or may not kill me.

"I don't wanna be sliced in half!" I said.

"Why do you think we're gonna do that?" Susan asked, almost catching me.

"That's almost what happened the last seven tines you tried this invention!" I answered, still running for my life.

Mary fired a blast at me, but I dodged it.

None of us noticed Danny had walked in. He got hit with the blast.

But where I was sure a hole in Danny's stomach would be, a precise tiny hole was cut, and it was bleeding red and green.

Danny's eyes went wide as he covered the hole with his hand, taking a lot of the green and red blood with a sweep of his hand.

"Success!" Mary said, pumping a fist into the air, "But, we gotta figure out what that green puss is,"

As Mary stepped closer to Danny to inspect, Danny took a step back.

"You scared?" Susan asked tauntingly.

"No," Danny said, "I just have a rare blood, thing,"

With that, he swiftly left. I could've sworn he was, floating?

Danny Phantom, Danny POV

I closed the door to me new room and sank to the floor.

I inspected the wound.

It was healed now thank goodness.

That was close. They almost found out.

If the had taken a look and saw.

White rings washed over me, turning me into a form I had now grown comfortable seeing myself in.

My ghostly form.

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