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"Look at me," Xuan pulled Zhangs face towards her.


She gently dabbed the blood on his mouth.

"Ah," Zhang cried, pushing her back

Xuan held his head towards her tightly. "Lay down." She unbuckled him and pulled him into her lap.

Zhang held her arm, scared she would hurt him intentionally. "That hurts."

"I know. Just hold on."

Zhang waited quietly until she finished. Finaly she let him go and patted his stomach.

Xuan leaned on the window with her eyes closed.

"X. Lean your chair back before you hurt your neck," Zhang said.

Xuan turned on her side, facing Zhang. "Zhay." She kept her eyes closed. "No one cares about me. I know you don't either so just leave me alone."

Zhang leaned over her, and, since they were in first class, leaned her seat all of the way back. "I thought I told you to stop talking to me like that." He leaned his own chair back and covered her with his sweater. "I do what I want."

"Alright." Xuan let herself fall asleep as Zhang wrapped his arm around her.

Zhang's phone ringing woke him up. He picked it up and put it on speaker. "Yeah?"

"Zhang. I have a tracker on my daughter. Where are you going?" Mr. Kim yelled.

Xuan sat up and looked at Zhang worriedly.

"Miami. I wanted to stop in Hawaii first though. Is something wrong?" He lied.

Mr. Kim huffed into the phone. "How long do you plan to be gone?"

"3 days. That's what you reccomended." Zhang glared at Xuan.

"Alright. See you then." Mr. Kim hung up.

Zhang powered his phone off and grabbed Xuans shirt. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Fuck. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I-I forgot about it. Please let me go. Zhay you're scaring me!" Xuan cried. "He put a tracker in my arm 3 years ago. Ok? Don't hurt me. I tried to run away but got caught so he shot me then put a tracker on me."

Zhang carefully layed her down. "I'm not going to hurt you. You shouldn't think that. Just go to sleep and when we land I'll bring you to Miami, then back to base. It'll be 3 days at the least," he sighed sympathetically.

"X, I promise I will take care of you. If you like it or not. I can't stand you thinking I'm going to hit you," Zhang covered her with his sweater again and layed down with his arms wrapped around her.

Xuans phone rang, making her jump. "Shit." She cursed. "Don't touch me. You might feel the shock." She shoved him off and answered her phone. "Sir."

"Where are you going?" Mr. Kim asked.

"Hawaii. And then Miami." Xuan explained.

"Don't lie to me child." He hissed.

Xuan covered her mouth in pain as she was shocked. She rolled onto her back and held her eyes shut as silent tears fell from her eyes.

"X. What's wrong? What-ow." Zhang jumped as he touched her.

"Xuan. Tell me where you're going," Mr. Kim demanded.

"I'm not lying. I swear-

She was shocked again.

"Please stop. Stop. I'm not lying." Xuan pleaded.

Mr. Kim shocked her three more times before hanging up and shocking her twice more.

"X. What the hell did he do? Are you ok?" Zhang asked, worriedly.

"Don't touch me." Xuan cried.

"I'm not touching you X. Relax. Just relax." Zhang held his hands out, not knowing what to do.

Xuan crawled into his lap which forced him to lay down. "I hate this. I really fucking hate this. It hurts." She cried.

Zhang held her tighter. "How did he do that? What happened?" He asked.

"He has a shocker in the tracker." Xuan burried her face into his chest.

Zhang held her quietly until her phone buzzed. He picked it up and read the message. "Last chance," he read out loud.

"No. No," Xuan tried to get up bu Zhang held her to tight. "Stop. Zhat, let me go. You're going to-

"It's ok X. It's ok. It's ok." Zhang soothed her.

She gave up and let him get hurt. She held him tightly as Mr. Kim shocked her. She took slow breaths.

Zhang winced in pain but tollerated it, not showing if it really hurt or not. They were shocked 2 more times before Zhang pulled his knife from his shoe. "Let me see it."

"He can see if the trackers turned off." She said.

"I'm disconnecting the shocker." Zhang pulled her sweater off and searching her arms. Finally he found the 3 small wires connected to her arm. "Sweety stay still. I can do this if you trust me." Zhay pushed her on her stomach.

Xuan cried slightly. "Hurry."

Zhang stood up, pulling each wire with different fingers. When it shocked her, he pulled away knowing it was the green wire. "Relax. Relax." He held Xuan tightly despite the pain.

Finaly the shock stopped and Zhang cut the wire. "Ah," Xuan cried. She layed down in Zhangs chair for recovery.

"Let me see." Zhang put his hand on her stomach, asking for permission to see her previous wound. When he got no reply he looked at the wound and pressed some paper towel on it. "Does it hurt? That was a dumb question. Everything hurts. What do you need? Your weak and tired so your going to sleep. I'll get you water, and food, and-

"Zhay. Shut it."

Zhang wrapped himself around her carefully, sympathetically stroking her head. He closed his eyes as she held his arm, falling asleep.

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