Chapter 15

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Atlas is awake with a bored expression on her face as I reenter the living room. "Hey where'd you go." She says, stretching deeply before standing up. "Uh, I took some cookies up to Caspian, I figured he was probably hungry." She laughs, "That's nice but Caspian hates sweets."

That bastard. He said that my cookies were good, what an asshole. She stretches and groans, rubbing her eyes. "That was the best nap of my life." I roll my eyes and begin fixing the pillows on the couch, "I'm sorryyyy, it won't happen again, I promise." I playfully swat her leg, secretly hoping it does happen again.

We clean up the kitchen fairly quickly, mostly due to the fact that I washed dishes as I cooked while Atlas sat contently on the counter licking off the mixing spoons.

"So what do we do now?" she asks with a sudden spurt of energy. I look at the clock, it reads 8:33 pm. "It's practically bedtime Atlas, what are we gonna do this late?" she grins and looks at me excitedly. "I have a few ideas." I inwardly groan, this should be good.


How the fuck did I end up here. Unaccompanied children skitter around my feet, mouths covered in a sticky blue substance that looks suspiciously like cotton candy. "I've never been to a fair before, this is so exciting!" Atlas squeals excitedly and I do my best to not throw up. I don't know how she talked me into this. Maybe it's the fact that she asked Caspian to come along so neither of us had to drive on the dark roads.

I glance towards him and notice that he is staring at me. His cheeks flush and he looks away quickly, clearly embarrassed. I find his behavior cute and a smile touches my lips. I take the opportunity to check him out. He looks about as uncomfortable as I am. His arms are crossed over his chest and he is biting his lip, an anxious habit. I notice his muscly biceps protruding from the thin grey pullover he is wearing and my mouth waters with lust.

"Hello? Earth to Tempest." my head snaps up, looking at Atlas. She sighs, "If you were listening you would know that I asked you if you wanted to go on the ferris wheel." I shift uncomfortably, "I'm not the biggest fan of heights." She huffs, "Oh come onnnn, it's the main attraction." I grimace as she pulls me towards my doom.

The line for the ferris wheel ends up being a mile long. I shiver as a cool breeze blows the hair off my neck. I hug my arms to my chest, attempting to bring warmth to my bare arms. "U-um h-here take this," Caspian stutters as he pulls his jacket off. I lick my lips as his shirt slides up a little, revealing his v line and his happy trail, leading to that dick, mine. I take the pullover, sliding the soft material over my head. The thin material provides little protection from the crisp air but the smell of him brings me warmth either way.

"I have to go to the bathroom." Atlas announces to us. "Atlas there's only like ten people ahead of us," I whine. "I'll be quick I promisee." I roll my eyes as she trots of to the row of portopotties lining the edge of the fair. There is a small line for the bathrooms and I hope for my sake that it moves quickly. I breathe in a breath of relief as she enters one of the muddy green doors. "Okay guys two to a seat."

I begin to panic as our line moves up and we are at the front. "Fuck." I glance towards the bathrooms but Atlas still hasn't emerged. "Here you go," the ride operator ushers me and Caspian to an empty seat, securing the bar over our laps. I look over at him, noticing that his cheeks are a bright red. He is fiddling with his hands in his lap.

The ride begins to move and my breath hitches. I am so fucked. My hands clutch on to the bar for dear life as we are lifted off the ground. Caspian looks over at me, "Are you okay?" he asks with a small smile. "I'm fine," I muster up the most confidence I can bear, my voice still shakes. "You're afraid of heights," he says biting back a smile. "N-no I'm not." He cracks up. "Fuck off," my panic builds as we climb higher and higher into the sky.

I feel a warm hand pry my hand off the bar. Caspian intertwines our fingers and my fear melts away. We reach the top of the ride and it stops, giving us a view of the city I live in, Denver, Colorado.

Caspian is looking around with wonder in his eyes. "It's beautiful." I nod my head in agreement, "mhm." He looks at me and quickly looks away bashfully. I turn his face towards me with my free hand, gazing into his bright baby blue irises. He leans into my hand and his eyes flutter shut. I take my opening and lean into him, hovering my lips just above his. He licks his lips in anticipation, waiting for our lips to meet. His eyebrows knit when it doesn't happen.

His eyes slowly open. "You want it don't you," I say, a smile tugging at my lips. He nods eagerly and I give in, pressing my lips against his soft plump pillows. He sighs into my mouth, I deepen the kiss, molding our lips together. My tongue slides against his bottom lip and he invites me in. His tongue caresses mine softly and tentatively. My hand detatches from his as I slide them into his soft hair. His hand rests on my thigh and dirty thoughts enter my mind as his fingers begin to stroke them lightly. "mm" he mumbles into my mouth as I tug lightly on his silky strands.

The ride begins to move again and our lips part. He whines lightly and I give him a small peck. "Don't worry handsome, we'll have plenty of time for this later." He blushes and looks down at his lap. He takes my hand again and smiles shyly as the ride begins to take us back to the ground. "I like you Tempest." He stares at our clasped hands. "I like you too Caspian." I squeeze his hand and his cheeks grow redder.

We release out hands as the ride reaches the platform so Atlas doesn't see us. She is pouting as we walk up to her, "no fair, I've been waiting all night to go on the ferris wheel." I would offer to go on it again with her but the rides all appear to be closing. "We can come back and ride it another day," I promise her.

The ride back home is quiet, Caspian and I keep stealing glances at one another."Can we stop on the way home to get something to eat? I'm starvingg" Atlas whines. My stomach lets out a loud grumble in agreement, the cookies from earlier had long since wore off.

My mouth is already watering as we pull into the mcdonanlds drive through. I pull out my credit card and shove it towards Caspian, "here" I say leaning over the seat. He doesn't take it and leaves my arm dangling in front of his face. "You're not paying." I huff, "You payed for the fair let me pay for this." He shakes his head. Annoying fucker. I huff again and pull my card back, shoving it back into my wallet. "What will it be girls." Atlas scans the menu before answering, "I'll have the double cheeseburger meal with large fries and a large sprite." Damn, for such a thin girl she sure could pack away some food. I glare at my fat thighs with a look of dismay. "I'll have a large fry and a large diet coke please." Caspian speaks, "can I have two cheeseburger meals with large fries and one sprite and one dr pepper." The speaker crackles, "will that be all?" Caspian rolls down the window a bit more, "can I also get a large fry with a diet coke please." The machine screeches, "that will be 19.53 at the window."

Caspian puts the car into drive and pulls up to the tiny window. "Here you go," a bored looking woman hands Caspian two bags from the window. She perks up when she notices how attractive he is. Back off bitch. "Is there anything else I can get you?" she asks sweetly, batting her eyelashes at him. I lean over the seat, hovering right next to Caspian's face his breath hitches. "Yeah can I get a honey mustard." He bites back a smile. She looks at me annoyed before turning back to Caspian biting her lip, "anything for you?" He hardly even glances at her, seeming to be distracted by me being so close to him, "Uh no thanks." He hands her his card and she hands it back with a napkin, "text me cutie."

This bitch gave him her number. "Ooo Caspian that girl so has a crush on you," Atlas says, oblivious to my sour expression. I snatch my fries out of the bag and dip one into my sauce, after swallowing the bite I grab the napkin and wipe the excess honey mustard off my face, smearing the numbers until they are unrecognizable. "Oh oopsies, sorry Caspian I accidentally used the napkin, my bad." He bites his full bottom lip to keep from laughing, "It's fine don't worry about it." Atlas laughs, "damn I guess that's not going anywhere then."

No one gets him except me, because he is mine.

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