Chapter 4 - Amazing Dancer

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When Taylor woke up the next morning she'd never felt better, she was full of energy, ready to conquer the world.   Last night's memory slowly came back to her, she quickly went downstairs to look for Karlie.

All the guest rooms were untouched but she saw a pair of legs dangling off the cough in the living room.   She walked around the couch to face sleeping Karlie.  Taylor has a grin on her face.
How could this girl be human, she is so tall.   Sleeping Karlie does look like an angel even though she's not from above.

"Karlie, it's time to wake up."  Taylor calling her while poking her arm.

"I'm up, I'm up."  I sat up and stretched my arms, yawning at the same time.

"I slept well but looks like you need another 8 hours of sleep"  Taylor walked to the kitchen and started making coffee.

"This couch is not as comfortable as I thought" I followed her.

"Go sleep in one of the guest rooms tonight.  I'm going to take a shower now.  Tree made an appointment with the lawyers at 10.  You should go get ready too if you want to come with me."   I nodded and head to the guest bathroom.

While in the shower Taylor was thinking Karlie didn't bring her luggage, maybe she could wear her clothes.

I was munching Taylor's cookies when she came downstairs.  She silently drank the coffee by the kitchen counter next to me.

"You alright?"  I turned my head to her.

"Just too many things on my mind."  She lowered her head.

I got up from the stool and gave her a pat on her shoulder.   "Thanks."  Taylor got up as well but stopped when she saw me putting on my long off white coat.   "Wow, you look nice."  I looked at myself - black pant suit, white blouse.  "We are going to see the lawyers, I want to dress appropriately."  Taylor gave me a thumbs up and said  "I need to see your closet!"

I left the building via the back exit in her building while Taylor went out front to deal with paparazzi, her car met me in the corner.

We met up with Tree at the lawyers' office.   She looked at me and looked at Taylor and gave her the "Who is she?" look.   Taylor calmly says "Tree, meet Karlie Kloss, she's the new dancer for the tour."   Tree extended her hand to me, while I shake her hand I can see Taylor smirking from the corner of my eyes.   Dancer?  What is she thinking?!

I was waiting by the receptionist area while Tree accompanied Taylor to see the lawyers.   They came out about 2 hours later, I spotted tears in Taylor's eyes.   I got up and put my arm around her shoulder.    Tree looked at us but didn't say anything, not until we are down at the lobby.

"Taylor, I have to go back to the office to deal with the sponsors.   I should have a tentative plan ready by next week.  Go work with Jack on song selections and I'll deal with the rest."

"Thanks Tree.   Before all the craziness, I want to spend a few days with my parents."

"Sure, just let me know when you are ready."  Tree waved at me, gave Taylor a hug and left.

We are back in the car and the partition is up.  "A dancer?  Seriously Taylor?"  Taylor laughed  "It's the only way you can join the tour.  Unless you want me to tell them you are an Angel of Death, ha ha..."   All I can say is, it was nice to see her laugh.

We did shopping in that afternoon and paparazzi had a field day when we walked on the streets in Soho.  They kept shouting   "Taylor, look this way please"  "Taylor, Taylor, who is your new friend?"    Their camera flashes bothered me, I was about to snap my fingers but a hand slipped into mine, that calmed me down a bit.

Taylor made dinner that night and we watched a movie after.  She fell asleep on my shoulder again so I brought her upstairs, before leaving her bedroom I stroke her hair like the night before but she opened her eyes and said "Stay with me."  and from then on I never slept on the couch again.

Looking at her fresh beautiful makeup free face every morning makes me realize how wonderful this world is.    I want to be with her.  I don't want her to feel lonely ever again, not in this world, not in my world.

Taylor has her own place in Nashville but we spent the first few days with her parents and brother over the holiday before tour rehearsals.  What a nice welcoming family, they all loved me, a warm feeling I have never experienced in my world. 

We are now inseparable.  Taylor introduced me to the press as her tour's "amazing dancer".  Her fans know my name, even created Tumblr pages of me.  I attended her business, tour meetings, met her close friends even went to some official events like awards shows.  At night she would hold my hand in bed and tell me her childhood stories, her teenage crushes before we give each other goodnight kisses.    All of these are growing on me but I have to tell myself I'm just doing my job to keep her happy until her last day...

Tour rehearsals get underway.  Most of the time Taylor and I are in the same building, I'm in the dance studio while she's in the conference room.    Today is the first time we do rehearsal on Taylor's song "Shake It Off".   I dressed in ballerina costume along with other dancers waiting on our cue but one of the production managers shouted from the PA system, "Karlie, let's see you do a solo." so I went ahead and did the solo part.  When I'm done, I heard applause coming from the studio entrance, it was Taylor.  She has a big grin on her face and sparkles in her eyes.

"Karlie, that was awesome.  I really ready like it."   She then turned to the production manager, "Hey Joe, can we keep her solo part?" and of course Joe wouldn't say no.

Tonight we met with Lily, a supermodel and Taylor's long time friend for dinner.   Taylor's lips pouted when I said I'm not joining them for a drink because I know they need to catch things up so I went back to Taylor's apartment by myself.


At the VIP room of one of Nashville's chicest bars, Lily and Taylor rekindle old times.

"How's the rehersal going?"  Lily asked while sipping her vodka martini.

"It's going great, can't wait to get the tour started."

"What's going on other than the tour?   You seem to be really happy and glowing compare to the last time I saw you."

"No, nothing changed.  I...I just get excited about the tour."  Taylor's hands fidgeted a bit.

Lily seems to like that answer, "Where did you meet Karlie?  She's such a great gal.  She should do modeling since she is so tall."

"Isn't she great?  You should see her dance."  A bright smile showing on Taylor's face.

"You like her, don't you?"  Lily looked into Taylor's blue eyes.

"Who doesn't...she's like...sunshine."  Taylor looked away and grabbed the rum and coke in front of her to finish it off.

"I see, she's the sunshine in your life."  Lily laughs.  Taylor didn't want to go further on the subject.

When Taylor got back to the apartment she was still a little bit tipsy.   She quietly opened the door and found Karlie sleeping on the cough with Dibbles on her lap while the TV is on.   Without waking her up, Taylor tipped toed to the bathroom to wash up and changed.


I felt something is pulling me, I opened my eyes and saw Taylor pulling my hand.  I looked up and smiled,  "Did you have a nice time with Lily?"  She smiled and nodded then motioned me to get up from the couch.    We put Dibbles to her bed and walked hand in hand to the bedroom.    She must have been tired tonight, she didn't say much in bed so I thought I should just kiss her forehead to say goodnight.   I was waiting for her to kiss mine but she kissed my lips instead.  I was stunned but kind of like this new feeling so I kissed her lips back in return, we went back and forth a few times before drifting off to sleep.

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