CHAPTER ONE-Meeting then a mansion

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Xisuma's POV:

It was 5am and I was trying my best not to fall asleep during the admin meeting. No one understands why they hold the meeting so early but the primes refuse to change the times.

We were going over our plans to prepare for the nether update, not that I was paying attention. I knew what I wanted to do and should do to get ready for the update jump.

It didn't matter, I just wanted to go back to Hermitcraft and fall asleep until noon, anyway, I could just steal some notes from one of the other admins, Dream was always paying attention and he was nice enough.

Out of the corner of my eye something caught my attention, the third Prime admin. We only know that they play on an SMP server, disguised as a player.

Nobody knows which server so there are bets going for if and when we find out. Yammy has 90 diamonds on me betting that he is one of my Hermits even though that would be extremely unlikely. Still, it would be amazing to know I'm the admin of a server he is on.

I could become one of the most popular admins, although the idea of so much fame makes my stomach turn.

I must have been staring because I suddenly got a jab in the arm by Hypixle.

"What are you looking at X?" He asked in a whisper.

"Nothing, just daydreaming until the meeting is over." I replied.

I look at the clock on my communicator and see that...seriously?! Two hours to go. I figure that there is no point doing nothing for the next few hours so I try to pay attention without getting bored to death, of course I failed miserably.

I really hope Dream will actually share his notes now.


'Thank god that it is finally over' I thought as I walked through the server hub.

As I walk back I receive a text from Grian, I pause to check it.

<Grian> I hope you haven't forgotten our plans X ;)

Ugh..that's right. I promised Grian I would help him with his mansion today.

I considered cancelling but decided that with all the coffee I had before and during the meeting would stop me from sleeping and anyway, I knew that even though Grian would be kind about rescheduling, I would get pranked big time.

"Well, let's get this over and done with then" I mutter as I step into the portal.


I spawn into Hermitcraft and immediately fly over to Grian's mansion so as to not keep him waiting for me. I arrive but my efforts seem to go to waste as I can't find him.

<Xisuma>G where are you

<Grian>Re-stoking the barge real quick, bts

Of course he is, although I guess if he wants to keep the sails going then his shop probably needs to be topped up as much as possible.

I started to get bored while waiting for him. '

I'm sure he wouldn't mind if I looked around for a bit' I thought as I searched through his chest monster, hoping to find something I could keep that he wouldn't realise was gone, alas, nothing but junk..and a creepy box of heads....maybe I should be a little concerned.

I saw a white shulker...I seemed to be flashing purple but maybe that was just a mix of  my lack of sleep and 5 cups of coffee. I was about to open it when I heard rockets behind me. I quickly turn around before Grian can realise what I was doing.

Grian's POV:

I quickly send Xisuma a reply as I finish restocking the Barge, I go as quickly as possible although that's not very quick considering the meeting this morning. I wasted all my energy on trying to beat X back to Hermitcraft.

I flew away and back to my base, taking a while to marvel over the amazing builds that we already had done this season.

I land and see X going through my stuff, I set off a firework to let him know I'm here.

"What are you doing there X?" I can see that he is trying to be sneaky but I knew what he was up too

"Oh er Grian hi!" He is clearly a bit panicked, he should know by now the proper way to hide a lie. I gave him tips for goodness sake!

"Come on, I really need to get this done." I snicker as we fly around to the back even though we end up doing nothing.

Time skip part 2

Suddenly I got shot at by an arrow and sure enough the sun was setting, we wasted a full day just talking.

I instructed X to go inside my mansion as we ran around to the front, our elytra was completely shredded with arrows. I don't actually need elytra but I can't let X know that. The last time I told someone who I was..well..I don't want to think about it.

I give him a spare bed and we collapse onto them, almost immediately falling asleep.


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