The eighteenth chapter

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(I am working on a 1k reader chapter! Don't have to read it when it is out but it will be a... Sexy time chapter! Just smut that doesn't line up with the story -w-')


Alex pov.

I became slightly scared when I saw Garcello become mad...

"G... Garcello?" I ask slowly. I can see the other guy being just as worried for him as I am... 

"Don't worry, kid... I'm alright... I just feel like I need to calm down a bit..." He tells me growling slightly in the middle sounding pretty mad...

"I think I need to go outside for a while..." He says facing towards the wall. I assume that he will take a smoke...

I don't blame him, he must be very stressed... Looking away as well and try not to think about it...

I can feel my hair getting ruffled by a large hand. Ruffing my hair back into, what I assume, is the original hair form. At least it covered my eyes and that thought made me laugh slightly.

However, I can hear the shuffling of fabric from the hallway and I become worried again. I glance over to the other boy who seems to be slightly off...

"I think you should go and watch over him... I'm worried that he will get hurt if he is on his own..." I tell him, still not knowing his name. 

All I get back is a nod and then he goes away. Why do I feel so off around that guy? Can't lie, their relationship is pretty adorable.

Thinking through what happened before I look down at my hands. The blood on the other hand made me surprised... Is there something that I am not remembering?


Y/N pov.

I am not sure why I feel so uncomfortable around Alex... Something was wrong with him I can feel it...

Right now though, I can't think of that. I need to focus on watching over Garcello.

I can hear slight coughing in the background from who I assume is Garcello... When I look over however he wasn't the one moving?

There seemed to be someone nearby... Alex was right then? 

Walking over to Garcello I lean my back against the wall beside him. I look over to him and when I do he seems to realize something is there.

I smile knowing what is going to happen. He suddenly jolts right after he looks over to me and sighs. 

The only way I can respond is by laughing at him for becoming so scared of me again. We stared at each other for a while not breaking the contact...

Something did break the contact though... When he started to smoke his cigarette again...

He turned his head to puff it out into another direction so I didn't get the smoke in my face. I appreciate it but... I really wanted to keep the contact.

I feel kinda embarrassed from the thought of wanting to just cuddle up to him and talk about everything that has happened. Wanting to play with his hair or rub circles on his back...

"How is your eye doing?" When I get the question from Garcello my thoughts are broken.

"Well it has been itching slightly and it is a bit frustrating but... I like the eyepatch I guess?" I tell him not wanting to whine too much towards him. Then...

There was couching again...

"Where does that coughing come from?" I wonder out loud not expecting a response from the person I was with.

"I have no clue where it comes from but I have never heard anyone with that type of voice before..." He tells me. "Alex must have been correct about this..." He continues not looking at me while taking another puff of his cigar.

"Is there something you haven't told me?" I ask slowly looking at Garcello. 

"Yes... There is something I haven't told you. But telling you would get you involved more than you should be... I really don't want you to go through what Alex went through..." He said sounding mad again. "I didn't even talk to him for long enough... I'm frightened what will happen to you..."

"Gar... I can take care of myself but I'm glad you want me to be safe..." I tell him putting my hand on his back and rubbing circles on it.


Alex pov.

I had been inside the bathroom fixing the bandages on my own even though it hurts to walk I still know how to do so and wasn't planning on laying down for long. I need to be strong...

Looking into the mirror I realize that most of the facepaint I had stolen from some Halloween kids was getting scraped off... I decide to look after my box.

Walking through the apartment I can't help but feel watched and uneasy... I was able to find the box fairly quickly though and rummaged through the small space of cramped up stuff.

I pick up the fower as well as the diary staring at it for a while thinking about...

Shaking my head I regret thinking about it... Doing so won't help the situation now... But... Now that those stupid assholes aren't here to hurt me...

I decide to take the flower and put it in my hair now that I wasn't in any danger anymore... My eyes are stinging and I swipe my arm over them. Looking at my arm there were two darker spots on there now.

Was I about to cry?... How stupid, I'm supposed to be strong. 

I finally find what I am looking for and quickly put my finger in the pudding-like substance. Putting it in the place it had slowly been scraped from.

Hearing the door being unlocked and some laughing from the partners I quickly hide the facepaint digging it deep into the box. To make sure they had a reason to know why I was digging in the box I take up the diary.


Y/N pov.

When we both walk into the apartment we both stop our laughing when we see Alex on the floor with the box in front of him. He had put the bloody flower in his hair making me feel uneasy...

Where did that flower even come from?...

"Alex..." I say in my breath and his head turns towards me and he is... Crying?

"I just wanted to save them... I couldn't save them..." He says with a shaking voice and looking down at the diary.

"Sorry, I am supposed to be strong... I promised I would be strong..." He continues and looks away...

I don't know what happened to you, Alex... But I won't let my guard down with you...


(Well this is all. I will work on the smut chapter and publish it hopefully when the 1000 views are on this book! I didn't think we would reach that height already and I am very happy! The smut will be a long chapter!)

-----(Until the next chapter!)-----

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