Agony, Sorrow, Memories All With A Side Of Despair.

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Before you start reading, just another WARNING for those who don't read tags.

Major character death, blood, detailed depictions of injury, slight gore, terror, subtle dissociation, crying, grief and blame, other possible triggers, a lot of destruction, aged up characters (literally only by a year) possible manga spoilers and Shinsou Hitoshi is in 1A(2A).

Oh yeah, art belongs to me.

Angst. Literally just angst.




When the call came through, Aizawa swore he heard a mental rope in his head catch on nothing in particular, not quite broken but definitely pulled tight. The scar under his eye itched at the mention of an attack on the past trouble class' field trip experience. De Ja Vu.

Rain pounded the early morning fog into existence, barely any clue to where the sun would rise. It hadn't been long before he'd heard the screams and saw the destruction, the chaos, the dust. Buildings toppled where there was obviously meant to be skyscrapers and a city. He was abruptly staring at the path of destruction the League had left- no, that was then, this is now. Focus.

People, gathering together. An evacuation team. He was yelling to the first officer-police-paramedic-whatever person he saw. "Where are they?! Where are my students?"

The person faltered, he could see they were trying to get somewhere but he didn't care right now. Already pulling his hero license, he caught up with the young man, they didn't even glance at the card, panting and coughing and trying to explain without any troubles, "Sir! The children were gathered together ten minutes ago, how many were there?" 

It seemed the man was leading him to his kids, so he kept pace. He fought with the need to just spring ahead, find them on his own, -it would be quicker, his brain supplied- but he had some questions that needed immediate answers. 

"Twenty-one. Hero course students, all in costume." He answered shortly.

"Ah, several are still trying to gather survivors, but we only accounted for eighteen. Five were taken to the temporary medical tents."

"Take me to them."

"Of course sir." Good, don't hesitate, he thought.

"Which ones were taken to the tents?" He was quick to jump over an upturned bus, talking through gritted teeth.

"Ah, I believe there was a teen with blond hair, he had a gem-looking belt." Aoyama. "A girl with black hair, as well as an extremely small boy with terrible bleeding from his head." Yaoyorozu and Mineta. "Two tall teens, one with short brown hair and one with blue-black hair." Sato and Iida. Two powerhouses out of commission, just the fact that his kids were injured made him want to hunt down those responsible, but he'd already heard that they had been taken into police custody barely an hour ago.

"How far are we?" Aizawa remembered all those times he'd learnt and taught about patience. He breathed deeply. But he felt a chill run through his bones, all the way through to the marrow. He didn't like this feeling. His skin crawled uncomfortably the longer it took him to travel, lungs squeezing with invisible vines.

"The tents are just around the side of this building-" Fuck it. "-AH?!" He shot forwards, using his capture weapon to spin past the side of the building and hit the ground in front of the tents and, therefore, his students. 

_·The Sun Of 2-A]  -×Oneshot×-حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن