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((A big ty to hitoshi-shinsou-1 For an idea with this chapter! Also a TW for most of the story! I will be labeling where it starts and stops! Anywho! Enjoy!))

Since moving into the dorms, live has been simple! Very few meltdowns had happened lately and it was all easy going! While little and big, If everything could stay like that forever it'd be a miracle! But I'm fortunately in every fairy tale, there's a villain. But for now it was peaceful, everyone just hanging out at their dorms, due to it being a weekend. Chatting, watching tv, even baking were all happening! But of corse always something had to ruin it. There rang the doorbell, a small bit of commotion happened, all questioning who it'd be, most honestly excepting Inko, a teacher, or someone from 1B wanting to barrow something, but boy were they all were wrong.


((Tw!!!!!))Ashido was the one to open the door and there stood a striking woman, looked to be late fifties in age and had canary yellow hair and blue eyes. "Can I help you?" At the sight of the woman everyone went silent. But you could see the anger on Hitoshis face and the fear on Kaminari's. "I need to see my son. I know he's here don't try ling to me. After all I shes connections." She said with a glare and nasty tone. "I don't know who you think you're talking to with that tone but that is not the right way to speak to people" Mina spoke with a lot of attitude in her words. But the woman ignored her, pushing past the pink girl and into the small crowd of teenagers. Seeing Denki and grabbing him by his ear.


"So this is where you've been? Living off of the poor school because you're to worthless and dumb to do anything yourself?" "I-I um-" "what have I always taught you? It's always yes ma'am!" She went to slap him before her hand was grabbed by a certain purple haired male. "Don't you dare lay another hand on him." "Or what? You're all worthless brats, you can't do anything. Especially you and the thing I have the burden of calling my son." Denki broke down into tears, this felt like bud fault. He felt like he messed up so bad to cause this. Of corse this was noticed and he was taken into Kirishima's arms, having him look away from the scene. "See? You are worthless. Making people take care of you like the dumb baby you are and always will be." "That's enough" Shinsou grabbed the woman by her shirt. "Exactly what do you plan to do? You're just as dumb and worthless as he is" This made Shinsou angry. But he kept a calm, straight face. "oh really? What does your husband do for work exactly?" "Well he-" and like that she was brainwashed. "Now, leave the school, and never contact us or come near us or my classmates ever again." And so she left. ((Tw end))


Denki was immediately taken into his caregivers arms, sobbing his little heart out. Everyone keeping the commotion to a minimum, they'd talk this out later, but for now, taking care of Kaminari was the priority. He was put into his little clothes and a bottle was made. "We should try to get him to take a nap, just so we can ease his mind" Izuku said, handing Shinsou the bottle, he nodded. Placing the bottle between his softly sobbing littles lips, swaying side to side with him. "It's okay little one. Mama isn't here anymore and never will be again" he spoke softly, sitting down on the couch and turning on howls movie castle and held a blanket over themselves. Paci and fufu on hand just in case.

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⏰ Última atualização: Aug 09, 2021 ⏰

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"Little lightening bolt" Denki Kaminari classification au Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora