"Somethings up..."

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*************************************** A week went on, he hadn't bought anything, he lived off of school food and was asleep somewhere new every night. Though soon shinsou seemed to notice something was up with his boyfriend. He'd constantly ask if he was okay and if something was going on, he always got a "yeah I'm fine, just a little rough looking today!" A little? The boy hadn't showered until he was able to use the school showers after gym. He never got to wash his clothes, nor did he look as happy as he usually did. Suppressing his little side took a lot out of him, he'd often get dizzy or feel sick often, this went on until one day he just, collapsed on the floor.

*************************************** Shinsou and him were just about to head back for the day when Denki fell on the floor, he'd fainted, Shinsou picked him up bridal style and rushed him to recovery girl. She looked at him, and quickly took him in, having Shinsou wait outside.

*************************************** In half an hour he was awake, still dizzy and his head was fuzzy. Recovery girl asked normal questions well until she got to the one "what is your classification?" Denki stayed silent, panic and tears in his eyes. Just from this, she could tell just what he was and he didn't want anyone to know. "You're a little aren't you?" She spoke softly as if to a child. "No! Don't talk that way to me! I-I- I'm not a little! I swear I'm not!" He cried, burying his face in his knees. "I'm sorry darling, I'll let Shinsou In now" she left and in came
Hitoshi, worried sick. "Kami! Thank god youre okay!" He looked at him for a second. "I heard it from recovery girl, you've been suppressing your little side, and it's caused for your mental health to drop." He wrapped Denki in a hug, which he was just pushed away. "I know you may not want to talk about it now, but I'm here to help, okay?" Denki looked away before breaking down in tears "I-I was kicked out okay!? My family hates littles and here I am! Now on the streets and no where to go!" He sobbed, now allowing Shinsou to tightly hug him. "Why didn't you tell me?" "I-I didn't think you'd want me anymore!" "Im a caregiver and you're boyfriend, I could never do you like that...." there was a brief moment of silence before Shinsou spoke up. "UA is getting dorms soon, but for now, I'm sure my dads would let you stay with us, okay baby?" Denki nodded before whispering "I don't want to yet....stop...." Shinsou nodded, assuming he should try to get him to slip at home. Though before he left, recovery girl gave him a bag with basic little stuff and Denki's full classification paper. He grabbed it, and Denki's hand as they walked down to the lockers and grabbed Denki's back pack and a drawstring bag that looked like it'd been through a lot. He called Aizawa and explained as they got on a bus and headed to Shinsou's place.

"Little lightening bolt" Denki Kaminari classification au Where stories live. Discover now