The scar

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Pairing: Peter Parker x reader

By Nia @thomasxspidey

Y/n's POV

Warm darkness files the room. Smell of the flowers and candles makes your mind go a bit crazy. It is such a weird and new feeling. You are sitting on the armchair in your living room, twisting the material of your favourite dress in your hands, waiting for him to come. The time goes really slowly and he is already a little bit late. For 7 minutes specifically.

You met Peter for the first time when he literally saved your life.
You were fourteen when a drunk driver almost hit you by a car which was driving with a very high speed. You don't  remember much from that moment, but the only thing which is left in your brain is Peter stopping the a car by covering you so the car hit his back. He appeared out of nowhere then, you still couldn't figure out how he managed to do it. But Peter says that it didn't  happen that way, and you believe him because he didn't  get any injuries.

-You fainted and your memory just tries to replace a scary  memory with a fictional one.

He says he didn't cover you like you tell, instead of it he just pushed you off the road. But the only thing which made you keep doubting was his scar. A small scar on cervical vertebra which appeared after that accident.  Although he tried to prove that he just fell on the ground with you, you couldn't believe that your brain made it up.
Some years after you met in the mit-down school while having a math lesson together. Spending more and more time you fell for him really quickly. Unfortunately as soon he realized that so did he, you two literally lost the possibility to talk. Before you confirmed your feelings everything was great, you could spend hours and hours together, but now it all became a one big awkward silence. He is a really important person for you, a really special one. And the last thing you want is to loose him  so you decided yo try your best to brake this wall, so after some weeks of kind of suffering you finally asked him to come for a dinner.

The thoughts are cut by the loud sound of the doorbell. You tremble a bit feeling the goosebumps running down your skin. You rush to the coridor to open the door.
He is wearing white shirt and black pants, his hair is messy and the breath is heavy. He smiles awkwardly.

- Hey- Uh, hey, Y/n. I'm sorry I'm late, i didn't mean to-

He says trying to catch his breath. You smile at how adorable he is when he nerves. Nodding you let him come in. You noticed him making many extra movements which signs you about him being extremely excited and nervous. Well, so are you.


Peter's POV

I'm  is sitting in front of Y/n awkwardly, and I  could cut the tension between us with a knife.
Looking at my plate I whisper

-So sorry I don't really know what to do, it's like my first romantic dinner

- Honestly I'm nervous as well

Damn. Here we go again, we have nothing to talk about.
Awkward silence keeps filling the air, but until I hear a sound of someone opening the door.  God thank you for stopping this. The door of Y/n's flat. I exchanged the look with her finally taking my eyes of the food

- Y/n, what's it?

‐ I- I don't know Peter, none should  be here tonight except us.

Y/n's pov

You stand up from the table and, turning your back to Peter, quickly search for a pan on the shelf. Holding the handle of it with both of your hands like a Rapunzel you turn back to Peter whispering:

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