Of Insomnia And Spilt Coffee

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On days like these Atif really wished he could die. All the philosophical thoughts on life and the point of living dissolved into disdain for getting up. And face people. Interaction, what a joy.
Groaning he forced himself up before the air hostess physically forced him out of the plane. Half asleep, with eyes hidden behind his shades, he made his way out, getting stopped a few times in between so some fan or well wisher could have a click.
"Sir, I'm a huge fan, I have been to your-"
"Sir, Sir a picture please-"
By the time Omer and his team came to rescue him he had thanked more people than he would even have wished seeing with in his zombie state.
"Thank you" Atif genuinely breathed in Omer's direction as he handed him a cup of steaming hot coffee.
"What would you do without me?" Omer laughed shaking his head, gently guiding him to a VIP lounge. Atif mumbled into his cup, busy breathing in the steam.
"Wait here! The car is ready, I am just gonna do a final check on the arrangements."
Left alone for the first time since, well a long time ago, he wasn't really sure when; finally humanly feelings were descending into him... until someone rammed into him.
Next thing he knew he was flat on the floor his coffee flying out of his hand.
"Oh my God. I am so sorry, I was in a rush-"
He spotted his precious coffee lying like a disgraced pool of regrets. He nearly sobbed.
"Sir, are you okay? Oh my god, you are him, oh my god Atif Aslam?? I just knocked down Atif Aslam-"
Atif turned his attention to the hysterical woman trying to half drag him up from his comfortable spot on the floor of his regrets.
"It's okay, I am fine", the lie was more bitter than his lost coffee. "It wasn't that great anyway" he told her, trying to not grimace.
The girl brushed her hair back, face red, which he didn't know was because of him or from tripping him.
"Can I- I mean, I know it's awful to ask, but I mean-"
"You want a picture? Sure, sure" he found himself saying.
She beamed at him as he brushed back his locks and granted her wish. Then as suddenly as she appeared, she disappeared, leaving him looking like a sad figure besides his spilt coffee.

That was how his friend found him, couple of minutes later.
"Don't you dare laugh."
"I wasn't going to," Omer replied sounding too amused for his own good. " Come on, we gotta go."
"We have to buy me another cup" Atif protested.
"Sorry, no time" with that he was unceremoniously manhandled into his car. "We are already running behind on schedule, don't have time to stop."

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