January 11th

39 2 0

I have just woken up, and I have decided to write Madeleine and I's plans.

We will both save up money in any way we can. Once we have enough, we will use it for travel to a far village. There, Madeleine will dress as a boy, and we will purchase our own censive together. I am not sure how this will happen, but Madeleine assures me that it will work out.

I think it might be easy to pretend that we are French settlers that lost all their paperwork.

We only have 109 days left until my wedding, which means 108 days to finish our plan.

I am so excited to run away and live with my dear Madeleine. We can be like husband and wife, or I suppose wife and wife. Perhaps we will adopt an orphan. We can have a beautiful farm that Madeleine will take care of with her strong arms. If we have sons, they will help her, but we will hire help so that they will not be forced to work instead of enjoying their youth. If we have daughters, I will teach them how to care for a home, but Madeleine will also teach them how to work. Oh, Madeleine will be a great mother. She is so invested in everything she does, I am sure that our children will be just as lovely as her. I must go now, I cannot let myself indulge in fantasies while more important tasks must be done.

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