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' Simple words, simple lies.'


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chapter four
the attack


Need is venomous. It makes you prioritise someone or something that you forget to even glance at anyone else.

Alicia felt the same at the moment. Today, Harry Potter was the need (as he will remain to be, forever).

The members couldn't care less about potentially someone from the god forsaken future, someone who will help them win, someone who has information that is particularly classified.

Alicia shook her head to herself. Not the right thought. Harry Potter is the most important.

She changed her course of thinking.

She had stupidly chosen the wrong time to come. She already knew Harry Potter was to arrive and was to be attacked as well. She's the one who paid less attention to the dates.

"What!? When did this happen!? Is Harry okay?!" Sirius Black nearly shouted, his voice dripping of concern and worry for his godson.

While on the other hand, Dumbledore looked absolutely furious, "Where was Mundungus?!"

"He left before his round was over." said the red-haired man quickly.

Soon, the whole room was filled by an atmosphere of worry, everyone whispering amongst themselves and the whole attention now shifted off Alicia.

She sighed to herself, her fists clenching with anger at herself. How is she going to get another chance at the meeting? Stupid, stupid her.

"Hi." a voice startled her, a purple bob of head popping in view.

Although momentarily startled, she managed a smile back, "Hello, Miss. Tonks━"

"━just Tonks, please."

"Tonks," she corrected herself, smiling at the purple haired woman, "pleasure meeting you."

"The pleasure's all mine, I assure you." Tonks winked at her eliciting in an awkward chuckle from Alicia. "By the way, that is Arthur Weasley."

Alicia followed her line of gaze towards the red haired man who had arrived with the news of the attack, her brows furrowing, "Weasley? As in Ronald Weasley?"

LIES ➱ Sirius Black (Golden Trio Era)Where stories live. Discover now