Chapter 15. The first rule

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Inside of him, he felt nothing but emptiness after his unexpected confession about wanting to become Yeonjun's toy.
His thoughts seemed to be non-existent, his mind completely empty, which could be a relatively good thing. As a side effect, however, Beomgyu seemed to be in a state of hypnotic trance, almost not responding to any event that appeared before his eyes. The voices of his classmates did not reach his ears, they were a simple background that Beomgyu did not hear. The professors' notes on the blackboard were unknown to his eyes and mind.

Beomgyu was, as it were, totally disconnected: he was looking ahead of him at a specific point but not really looking at it. Following the trajectory of his gaze, any normal person would have thought that the boy was staring at the clock above the blackboard to count the remaining minutes before the bell rang when in reality Beomgyu did not even know he was staring at a specific object. He hoped he could think of something, anything, without realizing he was trying in vain.

If Yeonjun hadn't shaken him, he wouldn't have noticed the ringing of the bell, the festive screams of his classmates to celebrate the last day of school before the weekend, of the teacher cleaning up the blackboard and calling his name to get him out from the class.

The boy blinked a few times before getting up, carefully closing all his books, notebooks, and pencil case in his school backpack. His actions were mechanical, slow, and lacking in precision. His hands were shaking slightly from this feeling of bewilderment that haunted him since he had accepted to be Yeonjun's toy.

«Are you ready?» the older one asked, taking the boy by the arm and pulling him off the chair to drag him into the hallways. Beomgyu let him do it, did not put up even the slightest resistance, knowing full well that it would be somewhat useless due to his limited physical strength and, above all, willpower.
He became convinced that a toy had no will of its own and that it should follow its owner.

«Every time I talk to you unless I tell you otherwise, you have to answer me verbally, okay?» Yeonjun asked in a hard, sharp, serious tone. Beomgyu became convinced that a toy should follow the will of its owner and so he braced himself, swallowed the amount of saliva formed in his mouth, and let a faint "yes" be pronounced.

The older smiled faintly, knowing full well that he had now the younger closed in his fist, in his trap. His wish was about to come true, he would make Beomgyu cry for pleasure, he would abuse him when he had the chance. The desire to spoil the boy became more and more tempting, day by day.

His grip around Beomgyu's arm tightened, his stride faster and his grin deeper and more evident.
The two managed to get out of the crowd of students who filled the dull and monotonous hallways of the school. Arriving at the exit, the older had no qualms about yanking the smallest to his car, which he received as a gift from his parents a few months earlier. Just as he expected, the boy didn't resist that time either.

"Bingo," he thought as he didn't even bother to fasten his seat belt, slammed the door shut, and with big strides, he reached the driver's seat.

The car moved quickly, the hurry to achieve the next goal pushed the young driver to crush the accelerator and overcome the slower cars. The trees in the background seemed to merge with each other as the car was speeding through the crowded streets of the city. Beomgyu's eyes almost couldn't keep up with this trend, it was all so confusing that the buildings seemed to be all the same. Beomgyu was so tired that he couldn't focus his gaze, his attention, on anything. The colors of the trees, the asphalt, and the buildings overhung their shape, their space.

What he could see was just a random sequence of fused colors. His eyelids were heavy every second he spent in the throes of that hasty rollercoaster, but nothing could shut them down altogether. Was it because he was suffering from car sickness? Was it because of the restless feeling that was affecting him from the inside? What he was really sure of was that he wanted to lose consciousness at that very moment. He wanted to close his eyes forever, stop his shining irises from twinkling. He would have wanted a cosmic, silent, and peaceful void to surround him, to restrain the confusion and negative emotion that forced him to shake his bony hands around his stomach.

And while from the outside it could seem that the young man was just staring at the monotonous landscape with his gaze lost in the void, inside of himself there was panic, a mass of contrasting emotions mixed with a slight feeling of excitement, anticipation.

" What will happen to me?" It was the only question he could formulate within himself as his nervous system trembled with anxiety. The voices in his head made it difficult to hear any outside noise and consequently to respond.

The first rule.

Beomgyu didn't realize it yet, busy as he was looking out the window, but Yeonjun, oh boy, did he surely notice. And he wasn't particularly pleased by that. " Someone decided to disobey already, this only adds to the fun," Yeonjun thought as he chuckled between himself. What could he have done but change the path and suddenly stop at a dead end?

Thus, the restless silence was interrupted by a frightened cry.

Words count: 937

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