Chapter 2 ~ A Sword and Its Water

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As you sat there on the cold stones, tears slowly fell down your face. You were shaking, not just from the cold, but also from the shock. The shock of what had happened mere minutes ago. Kaeya was probably confused, maybe he was still in Mondstadt, or maybe he had gone looking for you. You still felt guilty nonetheless. Your breaths were shaky but you paid it no mind. You stood up as you wiped the tears from your face and turned towards the Domain that lit the area. The Hidden Palace of Zhou Formula... You had no interest in the rewards that would come from revitalizing the petrified tree that lay inside, you simply wished to get all of this nonsense out of your head, at least for a few minutes. 

So maybe fighting the enemies inside would get your mind off things. Without a second thought, you reached out your hand to push the large doors open, you couldn't see inside very well however, the place seemed to be full of a strange fog. You stepped inside and as you did the large doors shut behind you which created a loud thud that echoed throughout the chamber. Almost as if by magic, the fog cleared in that instant, revealing the platform you stood upon along with a flight of stairs just in front of you. As you walked up the stairs, your footsteps echoed all throughout the domain

As you stepped onto the main arena, the classic, large, holographic key appeared in the center. It had shades of darker reds, blues, and purples all throughout. You ran towards the key and stopped yourself right beside it. You took a deep inhale and exhale as you drew your sword, the blade shone although no light seemed to come from anywhere recognizable. You fixed your stance and balanced the sword in your hand before finally vocalizing, 

"Domain, start."

     ————————————— +*.+*. ——————————————

The instant you finished your sentence, the key that was once beside you now disappeared into thin air leaving no evidence of its existence. Your eyes narrowed as two large Pyro slimes appeared in the arena. Both of the slimes seemed to shrink into themselves as if preparing to jump, but you were ready for this. The slimes jumped and you sprinted forward, the slimes missing you only by a few inches. Memories of the way Kaeya had held you to keep you warm came to your mind. You felt yourself tense up but you never lost focus of your target. You quickly turned on your heels and slashed your sword at the slimes, making sure to infuse your sword with Hydro to have a greater effect. 

You spun gracefully on your toes with your sword above your head and you flung the weapon down on one of the slimes. The slimes were hot in temperature so even those somewhat effortless movements made you begin to sweat. You had most of your weight on your dominant leg and the slimes had you surrounded, one upfront, one down back. The one with the sword was the one who had moved behind. You shook your head and laughed as you pushed off both of your feet in a backflip. As you were in the air, your arms were outstretched and reaching for the blade.

You caught the hilt, pulling the sword out, as you right yourself on your feet. "I like you, ok?!" Your own words echoed in your mind causing you to cringe at yourself. Even hate yourself. With both slimes in front of you, you dashed forward releasing a large amount of Hydro energy with your sword killing the two slimes and making way for two large Mitachurls to appear. Both of the large creatures wielded large axes.

The Mitachurls ran towards you and prepared to swing their weapons, an opening, without a second thought, you swung your sword at the Mitachurls constantly aiming for their faces. This alarmed the tall creatures and knocked them off balance, ruining their attack. Your breaths were heavy and you were beginning to sweat quite a bit. One Mitachurl infused its axe with Pyro for an extra effect, but this did nothing to slow you down. 

You charged the two creatures again, this time aiming for their legs in multiple consecutive strikes, having to dodge a few of their attacks on occasion. Once one of the Mitachurls was defeated, you could hear the faint sounds of an Abyss Mage appearing nearby. Keeping your focus on the Mitachurl, you, without fail, slew it. The sound of Kaeya's gasp entered your mind, the feeling of his hand tensing around yours, it all came to your head. You zoned out, your sword now grasped in between both hands.

It all happened so quickly,  the Abyss Mage had teleported in front of you launching you back. You hit the floor with a loud yelp, a wave of pain came over your whole body and it engulfed you. There was a loud ringing in your ears and you tried to stand back up. You threw your sword at the Abyss Mage and infused it with Hydro in an attempt to break it. It didn't break... The mage giggled inside its protective orb. It sent a wave of pyro energy after you. You could see it, but your body was still in slight shock, and you didn't react in time.

The flames hit you hard and you screamed. Your eyesight was getting blurry and tears began to run down your face from the pain. "No..." you tried speaking, "I'm not... done... yet..." Your hand reached out for your sword that had fallen on the floor after hitting the unbroken shield of the mage. Your knees gave out from under you as you took a sharp breath and fell to the floor once more, the last thing you heard over the ringing in your ears was the loud laughs of the horrid Abyss Mage...

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