Chapter 3 ~ The Cavalry Captain's Care

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You felt terrible, you were tired, and your eyes were closed, but you were still awake. You felt too tired to move at all, the longer you had stayed awake, the more your senses had begun to heighten. The area you were in didn't seem to have a distinguishable scent, but as you listened closely, you could hear the sounds of someone tapping their fingers on a solid surface. Reluctantly, you began to open your eyes to reveal a medium-sized, white room.

You lifted your hand to rub your eyes gently, and once you did, the finger-tapping ended. "Y/N?" A voice spoke gently, it had come from your left, so you turned on your side to face that direction. A slender, yet built figure appeared in your vision. The character's attire was mainly darker blue's, with a few hints of gold here and there. Kaeya...

You had begun to remember all that happened last night, the run-away, Wuwang Hill, the domain, the Abyss Mage... But how did you end up here? In this room? "Kaeya... where are we? A-and how did we get here?" you had begun to sit up when you spoke. The room around you really was quite small. By the looks of it, it was just a simple hospital room. "We're in the Cathedral, Sister Barbara was kind enough to help heal your wounds, along with your little concussion. As far as you getting here, I brought you over." Kaeya's words seemed to echo in the small room, his solid tone, unwavering.

"But," you continued to question, "How'd you find me?" Kaeya gave a small, light-hearted, laugh before answering. "You know, you tend to think aloud sometimes. People might overhear you~" 

"But, who-"


"You mean the knight at the front gate?"


"So, I was speaking aloud. Damn."

Kaeya laughed again, his laugh made you smile, and it filled you with so much joy. "You did worry me though." Kaeya spoke gently, "You were unconscious for a whole day, it scared me..." A whole day?! Were you really knocked out for that long? You stood up from the bed and stretched before finding yourself again and talking, "I'm sorry..." The two of you stood in silence for a few moments before Kaeya began to hug you tightly. The action took you by surprise, Kaeya usually wasn't the kind of person to show physical affection.

His left hand laid protectively on the back of your head while his right hand wrapped around your back, his head on top of yours. You were tense for a small moment before relaxing yourself in Kaeya's hold, wrapping your own arms around Kaeya's back, and gripping onto his clothing in a tight hold. You heard him speak, his voice was shakier than usual, it was sad, but it was careful, "Don't you ever,... scare me like that again." He seemed to hold you tighter, unwilling to let go anytime soon.

"I promise.." You whispered back, just loud enough for Kaeya to hear. You felt Kaeya lift his head off of yours as he kissed your forehead. A signal of his wanting to protect you... how kind... You felt his gaze on you, so you looked up to find his piercing blue eyes looking at you. Your gazes locked for a moment before you turned your head to the side to look away, the eye contact created butterflies in your stomach.

Kaeya had now switched his hand positioning, he moved his right hand to your waist as his left hand met your chin and pushed your head to face him once again. You could feel Kaeya's breath on you, warm and even. You moved your hands to Kaeya's upper back respectively, making him smile. "Does that mean I have your consent?" Kaeya questioned. You nodded, unable to form any words at the moment. Kaeya leaned in closer to you, his hand still on your chin, pulling you in closer to him. 

In the next second, there was no space between the two of you. Your lips had met Kaeya's in a soft and passionate kiss. You could feel his care echo through every second of the kiss. Your heart began to beat rapidly in your chest, and butterflies seemed to form in your stomach. This kind of rush was new to you. It was lovely, and you wanted to stay in the moment forever. As the kiss went on, it became more passionate. The kisses seemed to ask for more and your breath began to thin. Every few moments you'd have to separate yourself from Kaeya to take a breath, before quickly returning to the kiss. In these moments, Kaeya would make small little noises that contented you. Perhaps you made some yourself, either way, you wouldn't have noticed. On top of all of that, your legs began to grow weak underneath you, and all that controlled you was the ever-lasting adrenaline.

You gripped onto Kaeya tighter, beckoning him to continue. As the kiss asked for more passion, you gave it that passion, unwilling to disappoint Kaeya. His left hand that was on your chin then moved to the back of your head, keeping you still in the kiss. Your lack of constant breathing made your legs weaker, Kaeya took notice so he pushed you to sit back down on the bed. His right hand then met his left on your head, keeping you in his realm of affection.

The kiss seemed to last for a whole other minute before he let go of the kiss. His hands were frozen still on your head, his gaze still laid in your eyes, and his face still mere centimeters away from yours. He laughed, a smirk on his face, "Did you... enjoy that?" You nodded, a small smile appearing on your own face. "Can I say it then?" Although he asked, you knew he would've said the sentence anyways. It was Kaeya, what did you expect from him?

"Mhmm~" you managed to make the reassuring noise. Kaeya pushed a small hair of yours behind your ear as it had fallen out of place. "I love you, Y/N." You let out a sigh as you regained an even breath before speaking.

"Well, you already know this, but it doesn't hurt to say it again..." You allowed your smile to grow as you spoke.

"I love you too, Kaeya."

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