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I couldn't believe it! I'm pregnant! I can't wait to tell Hazel, but right now, I want to enjoy the fact that Erik convinced her to move in and now we can all be under one roof! I arrived home to the apartment to hear Essence by WizKid looming through the house. Vibing to the music, I followed the tune to Hazel's bedroom and found her sorting through some clothes. "Hey sis! Erik told me you'd be here. Everything okay?" I asked. "Hey Google! Pause music" Hazel commanded. The music came to a halt and I took a seat on the bed. "Hey Jas, I'm fine. I'm just going through some clothes, looking for things to take to Erik's. Aren't you coming?" she asked. "Sis, I knew about this already" I replied taking one of her shirts and folding it for her. "I didn't want to move in with Adonis unless you were coming too" I stated.

Hazel continued to fold another shirt, "So you knew that Erik wanted me to move in?" she questioned. "Of course I did! Why do you think I helped you pick out a dress for dinner?!" I laughed. Hazel placed the folded shirt on the bed and grabbed a pillow, swatting me with it. "How could you hold out on me like that!" She laughed. "Okay! Okay!" I laughed, holding my hands up to prevent Hazel from hitting me again with the pillow. "Look, I didn't know everything. But I knew that Erik would be taking you out and I wanted it to be special. Adonis mentioned that Erik wanted to go all out for the night, and I wanted you to look your best" I admitted. "Erik told Adonis that the night went great, how was it for you?" I questioned. Hazel smiled to herself as she placed the folded shirts into the suitcase. Hazel had this sly grin on her face, "Tell me!" I urged. Hazel laughed, "Jas it was nice. Dinner was beautiful, the scenery was breathtaking. The sex was just..." her voice trailed off. "Sex?" I questioned with a furrowed brow.

"Nobody mentioned anything about sex" I said getting irritated. "Because it wasn't your business Jas. Why are you trippin' anyway" Hazel replied. "Because I know how you are when it comes to Erik, especially when big decisions are involved" I warned. Hazel rolled her eyes. "What do you mean by 'I know how you are when it comes to Erik'" Hazel mocked. "When he doesn't feel the same way that you do, or act how you want him to act, you throw a tantrum and run... and then you cry to me about it." Hazel folded her arms and kissed her teeth. "Haze, you know I'm right. I just don't want you to make any lusty decisions over something that could be potentially permanent. You remember what happened with Trevor and I don't you?" I chastised. Hazel sighed. "Trevor was a shitty dude anyway. I don't know why you moved in with him just to come back here two weeks later!" Hazel remarked.

"Sis, the point is, I made a hasty decision when I knew he wasn't shit and I gave him the benefit of the doubt. Only you know what you and Erik can handle, and I don't want to hear any of this down the line. Next thing you know you're leaving Erik and looking for somewhere to stay because we're not signing another lease here" I stated. "Who?! Sis I'm not giving up my share of the apartment. I'm gonna continue to pay rent here in case things go sour" Hazel replied. "So you're planning to fail huh? You really think things aren't gonna work out? Why did you tell him you wanna move in if you're not ready!" I argued.

"Jasmine, I'm ready to move in with him. Erik asked me to move in like a gentleman, with his clothes on. As the night progressed, I felt the need to give him some to celebrate. There's nothing lusty to ramble over." Hazel shrugged. "I just want to come home in case I need to. I'm aware of how Erik can be and if I need to cool off; I'd rather be alone and not in his house alright?!" Hazel said attempting to get me off her case. "I see you've given it some thought. I just want what's best for you. I don't want you ending up how Trevor and I did" I said. "Who gives a damn about Trevor when you're with Adonis now Jasmine! Focus on that." Hazel fussed. "Now, if you're done fussing, help me get the rest of these shirts into the suitcase so we can get shit started!" Hazel ordered. "Fine, but don't say I didn't warn you" I replied putting the last folded shirt into Hazel's suitcase, zipping it up.

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